1. Hugs of Protection

Start from the beginning

        Yoon Bum woke to a sight that scared the shit out of him. It was of the women that he saw before he was knocked out. She just stared at him with lifeless eyes. Her hair was cut. He screamed in fear. Then there was the pain that overwhelmed his ankle.
        There was someone else there. He touched her breast. "They're firmer than yesterday. Anyway, there was a girl calling your phone. She was extremely polite for a person that thought she called the wrong number. Her voice was very pretty. It sounded like bells ringing in a peaceful lullaby. Do you know her?"
        "(Nickname)," Bum whispered. He looked down at his hands that were shackled together. "Please, don't hurt her," he pleaded with tears streaming down his frail face.
        "So this girl's important to you," he said laughing like a statistic mad man. "How important is this girl to you? And how important are you to her?" Bum stayed silent as he felt like he would break if he told Sangwoo about you. "Tell me or face the consequences," he said holding a slug hammer up.
        "We're best friends!" he blurted out in fear.
        "How long?"
        "Since the first grade."
        "Why would she want to be friends with a person like you?"
        "I don't know. We just care about one another because no one else would."
        "What is the password to this phone?"
        "Zero, six, six, six."
        "Why is this the number?"
        "She thinks it's funny to call herself Satan. She likes to say that people are calling her. She's very strange."
        As he looked through the photo. He stumbled across a photo of a beautiful girl smiling at the camera. Then there was a video. He hit play.
        "You look very pretty, today."
        "You don't mean that. Stop playing around with the phone and eat your food before it gets cold," she said in a way that a friend would tease their friends.
        "How can it get cold it's a sandwich?"
        "Then eat it before I do."
        "I thought you were watching your figure?"
        "I would, but I love food to much to give it up."
        "Yeah right, if you love food so much why are you just skin and bone."
        "Shut up," she said pouting, cutely.
        "Come one, (Name), you know I love you." She laughed like and angel and he shut the camera off.
        The video ended and Sangwoo looked at Bum. He smiled.
        "She's a looker, but you two seem like you were having fun. Why didn't you go meet her?"
        "I forgot."
        "You never leave a lady waiting." He looked down in agreement and shame. He just laughed. Unknown to him, you had cut deeper wounds into your skin. They bleed into the bandages that you wrapped around your thighs as tightly as you could. You lie on the floor of the bathroom in small poodles of you own blood.
        "Now what should I do to you since you were so kind as to ditch a lady? I know," said Sangwoo as he pulled a slug hammer over and picked it up into his shoulder as he set his foot upon the non broken leg. He swung down breaking it.
Bum lays on that basement floor hoping to hear you sing a lullaby that he loved so. He wanted to forget the pain that he is in right now. But you weren't there to sing. You were a distant memory. One that was there, but out of reach. He fell asleep crying wishing he had picked otherwise.

You lay there feeling the distant stinging of the fresh wounds that were pressed against the cloth. You hummed a song that had no lyrics. It was smooth and soft like a gentle wave that rises onto shore of a sandy beach.

Bum could feel you singing. He wanted to hold you in his arms. For he knew that he couldn't protect you from harm. He knew that he was weak and frail. He just wanted to protect you from this world of pain. He wished that he had gone to hang out with you instead of coming here just to see Sangwoo. He cried knowing what he could have done differently. He just wanted to know that you were safe from yourself. He wanted to make sure that you were taking your antidepressants. But it seemed as though he was trapped here to wait and see what happens to him. Bum hoped to hear your sweet voice soon, rather than later. He wanted to smell the perfume that you always used. For you smelled like warm vanilla sugar. For that was the perfume that you liked to use best.
He wanted you to hug him like when he would have a bad day. You were there to give him the support that he needed. No one liked that you would go and hang around a loser like him. Sure you had friends, but you didn't care about what they had to think. You still hung around him and smiled at him. Your smile was real, not that fake smile that you use for everyone else.
You were the only one that could see right through him. You could tell when a person lied to you and whether they told the true. There was something in their eyes that held something that said they were lying. You would just say that they were lying and they would just look at you and even when they had told themselves that the lie was real. You could tell that it was not true. People would even make it a game. But you always won.
When your friends would go out you would go with and bring Bum with you. You never drank and ounce of alcohol. You would just eat food, but never from someone that you didn't trust. You would ask the same question and they lied so you left them standing with the two drinks. Taking Bum with you, you'd leave and watch movies with him at your house. You would just have fun and play card games and board games. Tell scary stories and dancing like crazy people. You would just have a good time together.
You two were just two peas in a pot. The fact that you two were on your own world. But he was gone and your depression came back in a world pool of emotions eating away at you. Bum was locked away from the world and wished that he had chosen otherwise. He wished he hadn't followed his heart and stalked the guy. He wished he was that you were the one that he loved. But he was to blind to see that you were always there to keep him safe and loved. He realized that you were the one to care for him in this big world. He wanted back to his old life that you were in with your bright smile. He realized that you were hurting now and falling apart without your partner in crime. He knew that you were breaking. He knew he had to get away if he could. But he was conflicted about his love for one person or the other.

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