1. Hugs of Protection

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        You sat in the café waiting for your friend to show up. He was incredibly late for your date. You sighed as you got up with your coffee and left the building. Looking at your purse, you tried to find your phone. You called your other phone that you had gotten for you dear friend.
        "Hello?" asked a male with a deep voice that was smooth and silky.
        You were confused at the voice that was on the other line. You frowned your brows in confusion.
        "Hello? If you're not going to answer than it must not be important."
        "Oh my. Dear god, I'm terribly sorry. I was in shock. I'm sorry, I must have called the wrong number. I was sure this was my friend's number. I'm really sorry sir. I didn't mean to interrupt you at all. Well, have a nice day," you said hanging up the phone. You sighed as you could only think of what could have happened to him.
        "Hey there," said a guy. That didn't hold your interest. When you looked at him you just rolled your eyes at the man. "Come on, don't be like that."
        "(Name)! Wait up!" yelled a voice that was sweet and almost sickly.
        "Now that I would hit," said the man.
        "Now will you meet the guy that I will be singing with during the festival?"
        "I will if you'll stop pestering me about everything."
        "I promise."
        "Then I will meet him at the festival. Right now, I need to go. My friend ditched me. Do I'm not in the mood. Then some guy answered the phone. And it wasn't the wrong number. I just need to be alone for a couple of days. So I'll see you around," you said fuming waving goodbye to your friend.
        You walked home, not knowing your best friend was never to be seen again. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your tired eyes looked at your perfect hourglass figure. Your perfect body, that any girl would die for. All you could seem to see was all the bad that has happen to this person. You saw the scares that lined your arms. The cuts that were still seen fresh on your thighs.
        You had chronicle depression. You had to take pills. But you wouldn't sometimes, that was only because you had a major crush on your best friend. He was there for you and you him. But you never held these feelings at first.
        You had been friends since the first grade. You were playing with your friends. But you saw a boy being beat by the other guys. You were the cute girl that no one could say no to. You ran over to his aid. Stopping them caused you to hang around him more often and get to know him. Sure you seemed like a happy girl, but in reality you were being hurt at home. Your mother never wanted you and they were trying to get rid of you. They tried to drown you in the tub, throw you into a lion's den at the zoo. There were many more but people stopped them.
        They had lived you at one point when you were just an infant. Or they would have killed you then. They must have loved you. You knew they had to. You thought that they wanted a baby forever and not see their child grow old and have a family of her own. But you guessed that they didn't care for that.
        And as you grew older, they were just ignoring you and making you do all the house work. You also had to do your homework too. He was the only one that knew of all of this. You were also the only one that knew of his uncle beating him. You would go out and get many jobs just so that you wouldn't have to go home. No one ever thought of you as this. You always put on a fake smile to hide the pain that you felt. You had taken you cutting as a relief away to feel nothing at all. He held you when you cried and you would hold him and at time you both would try to hold each other together.
        His name was Yoon Bum and you just called him Bum. He was your only true friend and when he couldn't even show he would upset you. He knew this too. He was the only one you trusted. He also only trusted you. He knew how tired you were. He knew of all the jobs you took. He knew of all the blood shed. He smiled at you with his broken smile. His smile was real towards you. How you could tell was that it was in his eyes that he held some happiness.

        Sighing about the past, you lay in bed looking at your ceiling. You had painted it. It was of the night sky. You even made the planet bigger. Turning your head to the side. You saw horses running in a meadow free to go where they liked. Your favorite was of the black Stalin that was strong and proud of his group. Closing your eyes you had no clue as to what had happened to Yoon Bum. You dreamt of nothing but pain and loneliness.

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