your luminescent lover is calling for you - 7:57 PM

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the moonlight sears the flesh you hide under

the moon is seething, her craters are caving in deeper and deeper, her dust is blowing away in silvery wisps

she's exposed!

frail as a child stranded in the silent dark matter

she calls for you in the echoing hours of the night

shining her light upon you as she wails her love sonnets to no one

so much love and ardour saved for the earthly boy you are

but you won't listen!

have you no heart?

you're burning for her but not from true love,

you are ignited by your antipathy

blistering with absolute animosity glimmering as sharp as the edge of a dagger in your hypnotizing eyes

she cannot see it though

she won't see it

the deep-seated delusion she lives in is her way of survival

any sort of lucidity that comes her way bounces right off, she is not suitable for any form of life. inhabiting her would simply lead to gouging one's eyeballs out with their bare fingers and gasping for one last bit of sweet air -

she leaves you wishing you had never met her.

she is not for everyone but the moon does not yearn for anyone but you..yet your nature inherently makes you repulsed by her luminescence 

I am the moon and you are my repulsed lover wandering the forest at dusk.

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