I slowly open my eyes, rubbing them slightly. I sit up grabbing my phone that laid next to me seeing a bunch of missed calls and texts.

Yoongi: Hey Joon, I'm sorry if I upset you please talk to me

TaeTae: I waited for you at your locker but you never showed up

TaeTae: Everyone is worried about you

TaeTae: Please Talk to me

TaeTae: Please Joonie

Jin: Everyone is worried about you, can you please text us to at least know your okay?

Kookie: Hyung are you okay?

Jiminie: Sooooo I'm guessing you don't have her number?

Hobi: Are you alive??

I groan throwing my phone to the side not in the mood for more questions, I brought my face into my hands still trying to fully wake up.

"They seem to really care about you Four Eyes"

My head snapped up as I see a girl standing infront of me, she looked like the girl from the drawing, I quickly stood up as I pointed towards her "W-who are y-you? And how did you get into my house!? Why are you calling me Four Eyes?"

"You don't recognize me? Wow...am I thought forgotten in this small town, I wouldn't be surprised about anyone else but you? My best friend?"

My mouth went dry, every word she spoke only one person popped into my head "Chae..."

"Hi Four Eyes" She said giving me a small smile "This is a dream, I must be dreaming" I laughed slightly before pinching myself hard, before groaning in pain. She walked towards me cupping my cheeks making me look straight into her eyes "It's not a dream..."

Tears formed in the corner of my eyes before falling down cheeks "H-how..." my voice came out as a whisper, so fragile and broken barely even audible.

She didn't say anything as she just looked into my eyes "You went missing 7 years ago, they said no one could have survived...this isn't real this can't be...I lost you, y-your gone I must be going crazy. I grabbed her wrists pulling them away as I stepped back slightly "Your not crazy, your in shock I was-"

"Your not real you can't be real..."

"I'm real and I'm here"


"I fell out of the car, down a hill in the forests, and by the time I woke up I was lost I didn't know where I was or what happened. I walked through the trees for what felt like forever"

"How were you not injured, if you survived you would have to be injured"

"I never said I wasn't, I broke my leg or at least that's what I remember and I had a concussion, along with a few broken bones and fingers the doctors say I could have died If I didn't get up"


"Someone found me past out along the side of the road and took me to the hospital, but apparently I walked so far into the woods I went into another town, really small but not small enough"

"Why didn't you come back"

"Because I knew there was gonna be questions and so much more and I always wanted to get away and I finally did no way was I coming back-"

"So you let me believe you died instead? You could have written or something! At least tell me your okay!! I was worried sick, so bad I couldn't leave my house, I had to go to a therapist, I was diagnosed with depression!"

"I'm sorry"

"No if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it!!" I yelled, she jumped back in surprise, I sat down on my bed before looking back up at her. I know I should be happy she was back but I wasn't how could I? When she left me like that not even bothering to think about how I was feeling. I was beyond mad no matter how much I wanted to hug her and tell her I missed her. I pushed those thoughts aside as I glared in her direction. "Where did you go?"

"I went to america, after I was released from the hospital I traveled just like I said I would, I thought about you all the-"

"But yet not even a simple 'im okay'" She sighed before sitting next to me "I traveled I used money from my parents bank accounts until they went empty, you know how I was really good at memorizing numbers, after that I got jobs, explored more then I decided I needed to see you I finally grew some courage and came back"

"How did you get a passport?"

"I sneaked on with an old lady when I came to America then there I got a passport"

"When did you come back?"

"A month ago"

"And your just bothering to say hi?"

"I may have had courage to come back but It still took some time to actually speak to you"

I thought back to when I heard her voice, the drawing..."It was you...You were there in the art room the-"

"Yes I was, I saw you the day I came back and you were sitting at a restaurant your head buried in a book, not surprised"

"Why didn't I see you"

"Hiding, then when you fell asleep under a tree, I sat next to you until you woke up, I know this all sounds really weird but...I missed you"

"When I was walking back..."

"I couldn't just stand there and watch you I tried helping remembering how the same thing happened after you Dad..." I looked away staring at the ground. Another reason to be mad, all the people I care about just leave me like I'm nothing to them.

"The drawing I did, I wanted you to see me..."

"What do you mean??"

"Uh never mind...but I guess I got better at drawing right?" I looked back in her direction taking in her features. Her hair got longer, she died it a different color. She looked more mature, but at the same time she looked like the same way I remember her. 


"I missed you Chae"

"I missed you too Four Eyes" She chuckled tears falling down her face, I quickly pulled her into a hug as I buried my head in the crook of her neck. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me close. Like she was never gonna let me go...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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