"I dont decide that." He responded gruffly. I didn't speak again and focused on tying another knot at the bottom of my shirt to make it less noticeable. He opened a door, but it wasn't my room. This one had a long couch on the end, with windows, and lights that actually worked. It also contained a large conference room table in the middle.

I turned to the man, "this isn't my room."

"Niether was the last one." He replied and pushed me inside before shutting the door. I stepped farther inside, and saw that the large windows were overlooking the view of Chicago. Whoever these men were, they knew how to handle their business discreetly because there was not a building in sight that was near this one.

The conversation with my mom popped my head. She knew what she was talking about when she said that this was not a place to visit. So did Josh, he knew right from the beginning, yet he never told me directly. If only he would've just said something. All of this could've been prevented. He wouldn't be lying on his death bed, and I wouldn't have to be worried about my life being at risk as well as his.

Hearing the door open behind me, I quickly turned around and waiting for whoever it was to enter. A dark colored man entered and closed the door behind him. "Well," he smiled, moving over to pull out a seat. "Why don't we take a seat, Ms. Collins?" He suggested, and I stared at him.

"I feel more comfortable standing up." I shook my head, placing my hands to my sides.

He nodded, walking over to the head of the table, and sitting down, I then noticed a folder in his hand. "Very well, suit yourself." He opened the folder, and cleared his throat. "Why don't we start by asking you if you know why you're here." He looked up at me, and I quickly looked away from his demanding eyes.

"I'm afraid not." I responded, staring at the door. This one had a doorknob.

"Well, let me tell you." He raised his voice, "you're here because your big brother, Joshua, broke his agreement with us." He stood up, and walked towards me, I could hear his loud footsteps. "Not to mention, he did the unacceptable." He growled lowly, and took my chin in his hand, making me look at him. I grimaced at the proximity, and closed my eyes, ignoring the shakiness of my lips that were threatening to cry out in fear. "He killed a very good friend of mine, know who he is?" He questioned, and I shook my head, keeping my eyes closed, despite the fact that tears were now falling down. "Do you know who he is?!" He yelled in my face, and I flinched back.

"No," I whispered, opening my eyes to see his furious eyes.

He backed away, and gave me a cynical smile. "Well," he held his hands behind his back and walked back to his seat. "Let me tell you his name, Moretti." He paused, and I carefully looked at him, nodding in understanding, afraid that he would return to yell at me again. "Yes," he nodded, chuckling. "He was one good son of a bitch." He flipped over a piece of paper, staying quiet for a minute. "Now, what do you know of this? Why did we bring you guys here?" He looked up at me.

I didn't want to say it, but I also didn't want him near me again. "To kill us." I faintly whispered.

"To what?" He demanded to know.

"To kill us." I raised my voice to answer him, earning another chuckle.

"Well, you're not far from the truth." He stopped talking again, and went to another sheet of paper. "Now," he stood up, and slid a sheet of paper to the seat beside him. "I want you to come here and read this paper, then, tell me what you think of it." He demanded, looking back down to his stack of papers.

I swiftly walked over, and quietly sat down to read the paper. "Wait," I paused and lifted the paper, "this is a binding contract." I stood up, walking away.

"What's the matter with it?" He stared at me, and I scoffed, gaining back my backbone.

"You're going to hold me hostage for as long as my brother lives?!" I implored. "Why not just kill me already?"

He laughed out loud. "I'm not going to torture you. I'm not going to treat you as a princess, but I'm not going to kill you." He stood up and buttoned up his suit. "Look over it, and think about it. The only thing I will say," he picked up his folder of papers, "is that I know your whole life, and backstory. Every place you've visited, every family member you have, I know everything. You agree with the contract, and all you will do is live in this building until you're brother gives me what I want, or until he dies." He then walked away, shutting the door behind him.

This was ridiculous. He couldn't possibly expect me to say yes! He was asking me to torture my brother while he tortured me. Josh may be a jerk, and a bully to me at times, but he had never been a bad brother. He was always caring for his family, despite the decisions he had made. Not to mention the trouble he would get into if he told our parents what happened to me.

I looked down at the paper, and saw a line at the very bottom waiting for me to write down my signature. I read over the terms and conditions again, and sighed, looking at the table again, I saw a pen where he had been previously sitting. I knew that if I didn't sign this, he would just hold me hostage while going after my family. I didn't want to be here, but if I had to choose between ending my life, or ending my family's life, I'd choose my own over and over again.

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