Chapter 12: The Council of Galadriel

Start from the beginning

At this Glorfindel stood. "Do we know which one?" 

Celeborn shook his head. "It is difficult to say. Some scouts said one thing while others told an entirely different tale. But word is that the Witch-King hasn't been seen for many weeks. It could be him."

Gloin snorted as he rose to his feet with a grunt. "Does it even matter? They're all nasty, nigh-unkillable phantoms that'd love to kill us all. I say we talk about makin' a plan instead of chasin' wraiths, if ya don't mind me sayin' it." 

Kalan nodded. "Aye, he's right. No use speculatin' on what we don't know! Let's talk about our next move." 

"What of Gondor and Rohan?" Edhael asked suddenly. Everyone looked at him in surprise, taken aback that he had asked anything of relevance. 

"Rohan is on the brink of disaster," Galadriel said. "Orcs under the command of the traitor Saruman have driven them to the sanctuary of Helm's Deep. The Gondorians are preparing to defend against an attack on the ancient city of Osgiliath. The enemy has not yet made a move there however, and it seems that they will not for several days at least."

"Aid must be sent to Rohan with all haste," A grim voice suddenly said from the doorway. All present turned to see a man, hooded and cloaked, standing there. His cloak was caked with dirt, and the mud on his boots made it clear that he had traveled a long distance without rest to arrive there. 

He slowly pulled his hood down, revealing none other than the noble lord of Rivendell, Elrond Halfelven. He was clad in the ancient armor of his people beneath his cloak, and a bright, cruel sword hung on his belt. 

"Lord Elrond!" Gerithor cried, bowing slightly as Elrond approached. "This of all joys is least expected, but most desired! What news do you bring?"

"News both grim and dark. As Galadriel said, orcs march on both Gondor and Rohan. But another force marches in haste from the far East. Cruel men, with armor of bronze and long spears, make their way to Erebor and the northlands. They bring with them weapons of war that could break the very gates of the Mountain. No host of men, elves, or dwarves that stands today could face them and live to tell the tale. We cannot spare many men to aid our allies in the south, for the Enemy marches upon our very doorstep."

"I will go," Halbarad said suddenly. "Our lord Aragorn was in Rohan last we heard, we will not let him go to his doom in a land far away." 

"Take some men with you," Gerithor replied. "It would be peril to attempt the journey alone." 

Halbarad smiled gratefully at his younger friend. "I appreciate the concern, but we already established that we cannot spare more. I shall go alone, for if Estel shall die it will not be without his kinsmen beside him."

Gerithor shook his head. "He shan't die at all if we have anything to say about it. Take thirty of our men. It's not many, but it's enough to make a difference." 

Halbarad nodded. "I shall go and ask for volunteers at once. We will ride at first light." 

Elrond grabbed the older ranger's shoulder as he walked by. "My sons, Elladan and Elrohir, have made the journey with me. If it is their wish they shall ride with you." 

"Indeed," Halbarad said. "They shall be a force to be reckoned with in the South. For few who tread upon Middle Earth harbor the skill that your sons have." 

He began to leave, but he suddenly stopped, turning back to Gerithor and giving him a bear hug. "You are like a son to me, Lastborn. You've made me proud in the past few years, and you've become an even greater leader than I thought possible. Should we not meet again, I would have you know that I view you as the child I never had."

"We will meet again, Halbarad. Be it here, or in the Halls of Mandos." A tear fell down his cheek, but he attempted a smile. "Greet my cousin for me, and tell him that I will keep up the fight on his behalf in the North." 

"I shall. Farewell, Gerithor." With that the older ranger left the room, and every eye followed him until he was out of sight. 

"He is a brave man," Elrond said. "The road south is perilous. As for the rest of you... You must march to Esgaroth. The city burns as we speak, but it should hold for several more days. Caledorn... I have a special task for you, one of the utmost importance."

At this Caledorn visibly perked up, and his catlike eyes were suddenly alert. "Your wish is my command." 

"You have a friend in the East, do you not? Go to him, and tell him that the time has come." 


Chapter Song: We Will Come Back: James Paget

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