Chapter 4: A Fragile Alliance

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The company set out at first light, though the stormy clouds that surrounded Caradhras made it impossible to see the sun. Gerithor took his position at the front of the company as usual, but didn't notice that the halfblood rangers watched him with newfound respect. Gilian had told them what he had done for her, and for the first time on the journey they felt completely loyal to him.

The dwarves, on the other hand, grumbled loudly at the lack of food and other supplies, which they blamed Gerithor for.

"We wouldn't be starvin' if we had taken the path through Moria!" One of them growled as he shouldered his shield.

"Aye, we'd be feastin' with Lord Balin right now!" Another exclaimed in agreement.

"Enough!" Kalan shouted, causing several of the dwarves to shrink back. "Tisn't Gerithor's fault lads. He knows what he's doin'. We'd have run out of supplies if we had turned back."

"We're runnin' out as it is!" A dwarf retorted angrily. "If one more pony takes a tumble off the mountainside, we might as well follow it!"

Kalan opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off when Gerithor himself approached, a look of consternation clouding his features.

"We can argue about my foolish decisions later," he said, a hint of urgency in his voice. "Right now we must be silent. Something isn't right on the path ahead. I'm taking a few rangers to see what is amiss, but until we find out you'll all need to remain quiet. We do not want to draw unwanted attention to our errand."

"Why does it matter?" We're gonna die!" The most vocal of the dissenting dwarves growled.

At this Halbarad trudged to the front of the company and addressed them all with a loud voice.

"Silence! We are all brothers in arms here!" He began. His deep voice carried power and authority with it, and all obeyed his command to listen. "Whether you be elf, dwarf, or man, you all fight the same enemy! It will not do to fight amongst ourselves! We left Mithlond together, and we left with a purpose." He pointed a gloved hand to the East, his voice filled with passion as he spoke. "Over these mountains and far to the east is our enemy. He musters his armies for war, and I have no doubt that he wishes nothing more than for us to fight amongst ourselves! He knows of the feuds between our people." At his words the elves and dwarves glanced uncertainly at each other. "He knows that there are differences that have kept us apart for centuries! Surely, he even depends on it! We cannot let these differences come between us now! We must prove him wrong! For the future of our people... For the future of this Middle Earth!"

Dwarf, elf, and man alike nodded in agreement with the older ranger's words. Even the dwarves who had previously dissented were silenced. Gerithor nodded in thanks to Halbarad as the ranger passed.

"This is a fragile alliance, Gerithor," Halbarad whispered as he stopped. "I will do what I can to help in keeping it together, but it will take more than the words of an old washed up ranger to see this quest to its end. Unify them, Gerithor."

"I'll do my best," Gerithor replied. He knew that Halbarad was right, and he didn't know if he had the strength to keep them from fighting each other. Without any further words he nodded to several rangers who followed him around the corner of the mountain pass. He hoped that nothing worse than grumbling would occur while he was gone.


Halbarad gathered Glorfindel, Gloin, Kalan, and Caledorn to speak away from the prying eyes of the rest of the company. They now stood in a small alcove that was worn into the side of the mountain, speaking in hushed voices.

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