Chapter 12: The Council of Galadriel

Start from the beginning

Maugash flinched, knowing that he had given too much away. "You will never know, witch. A tide is coming. A great storm, one that will engulf this forest, and the entire world, in darkness. Even now a great serpentine host marches upon your friends to the north. Erebor, shall burn. Dale, shall burn. Mirkwood, shall burn. Surely, even this forest shall burn, and with it all of Middle Earth. We will find what you seek to hide from us... We already know where It is." 

Galadriel suddenly stopped walking, and her expression changed to one of fear. "What do you speak of? What do you know?" 

The orc sneered again, his voice mocking. "You know of what I speak. When my Lord claims it for himself, there will be no dawn for your kind."

"...How?" Galadriel asked. All power had seemed to drain from her, and she appeared weak and frail. "How can you know this?" 

Maugash's lips sealed together, but his eyes glinted triumphantly. Caledorn's fists clenched together, and with a cry of anger he kicked the orc to the ground. 

"Take him to the dungeons," Galadriel said. "I am not yet done with him."

As the elves led him away, Maugash watched Caledorn and Galadriel, the same expression of smug victory upon his face. Caledorn glared at the creature in silent fury, wanting nothing more than to run him through with his blades.

"Stay your anger, at least for now," Galadriel said, seeming to perceive his thoughts. "Now is the time for planning. We must move quickly, though I fear we are already too late." She turned her gaze to Caledorn, her stoic expression returning to her. "Summon the others. We must discuss this newfound knowledge at once."


By the time everyone was gathered it was nearly dawn. Gerithor appeared to be exhausted, though whether he was just tired from the fight or overwhelmed by emotion none could say. He had found the body of the young ranger Belon, and ever since then he had been strangely silent.

Gloin and Kalan sat together, with Glorfindel at Gloin's side. Gloin attempted to light his pipe but Kalan swatted it away with a disapproving glare. Taliel and Caledorn stood in a corner of the room, whispering quietly among themselves. Near the center of the room stood Gerithor, Halbarad and Celeborn, all of whom were pointing animatedly at a map that sat upon a white pedestal.  Edhael sat beside Kalan, and seemed ill at ease without his lute. Several other elves, most likely from Lorien, lounged about the room as well, but made no effort to mingle with the other guests.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, Galadriel finally emerged through two gilded doors at the side of the room. Everyone ceased speaking, and aside from Gerithor, Halbarad and Celeborn everyone that was not already seated did so. 

"Greetings, guests and familiar friends," Celeborn said as he raised a hand to silence all present. "To those of you who have not yet spoken with me I am Celeborn, husband of Galadriel. We gather together because this night the darkness of Mordor entered our realm, given passage by the shadow of sorcery. Sauron plans to strike - And soon." At Sauron's name many gasped, for his name was never uttered in this sanctuary. Celeborn seemed to notice his guests' shock and directly addressed it. "We have no time for pleasantries, nor even diplomacy. We must speak our minds if we are to act in time." 

Gerithor nodded in agreement and continued where Celeborn left off. "In the battle a prisoner was taken. He divulged important information, though not nearly enough. He spoke of the sorceress that allowed them entry into the forest: A Black Numenorean by the name of Zaskia. She has taken up residence in Dul Guldur, and from there she commands a host of orcs. But she isn't working alone. Scouts have reported that one of the Nazgul has been seen near Dul Guldur as well."

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