First Day of 10th grade

Start from the beginning

"Good morning, I'm your homeroom teacher Ms. Hinds. Here are my rules. Number one, no phones. Two, no walking out during class. Three, no getting out of your seat. Four, if you come late I will not open the door until I have taken row. Five, no gum. Six, n..."
"This is not a real class. This is homeroom. You know a class that was create so that students aren't late to there real classes." Melody says.

Everyone started laughing. Ms. Hinds face started to go red.
"Detention, Ms. "
"Gonzalez." Melody says with a smirk.
"If she has detention, so do I."
"I assume, you are Ms."
"Mosqueda, you assume correctly." I say with a smirk forming.
"Detention, both of you."
"Why? Cuz you couldn't give us detention all that time ago." Melody says.

"If you would know..."

--knock knock--

Ms. Hinds was cut off. Everyone's head faces the door. Ms. Hinds went to open the door. The only seats left in the class was right next to Melody and I. Ugh. Please don't be that bitch Natalia.

Melody's POV

"Please don't be Natalia." I whisper to Angie. You see this is how Angie and my friendship works. She don't like you, then I don't like you. You got a problem with her, you got a problem with me. She don't fuck with you, I don't fuck with you. It's simple.

"Psss." The guy in front of us says, and passes me a note.
Angie and I look at each other, then read it.

Do you want to go out?😉

We look at each other and start laughing.

Do you want to go out?😉
No 🤢

We pass the note back. When he reads it he looks back at us and makes a pouty face.

"Class, we have two new students. They are good friends and they're from Chicago. I'll like you to meet Alex and Paco. The only seats that are not taken and in the back next to Melody and Angie."

These guys are like goddess. Alex has a nice brown skin complexion, light brown eyes, curly short dark brown hair, a nice body shape, and is not too tall but not short. Paco, has a caramel skin tone, dark brown eyes, short brown hair, a nice body shape, and is not too tall but not short.

"Melody, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"I hope, my love."

They started walking to their new seats and shaking hands with a lot of the fuck boys.
"Since today is the first day back, my rules don't apply. Get to know each other. Because you will be seeing them often." Ms. Hinds starts walking to her desk. And writing something.

"You think she forgot about detention?" Angie asks.
"I doubt it."
"Angie and Melody come here and get your detention slips."

We get up from our chairs and everyone starts staring at us. When we start walking back one of the guys that sit in front of us tries to grab Angie's butt, I tried to hit us hand but someone grabs his hand and whispers something to him.

"Before you guys get up and start making friends let's take roll. Please don't say here just raise your hand."
2 minutes later

"Ok you guys may start making friends."

Angie and I don't move we just turn and faced each other. Most of the girls in the class are sluts. And the guys are fuck boys.

"Hey, I'm Anthony and this is my man Jaylen."
"Melody and Angie."
"Oh. You guys are the girls who haven't had sex in the class of 2020." Jaylen says.
"Yeah. That's us." Angie's says.
Anthony starts to get close to me. "Why, don't we change that." He whispers into my ear and tries to touch me. I push him away from me as hard as I can.
"What the hell is wrong with you." I say to him.
"Get away from us." Angie and I say at the same time.

Anthony and Jaylen don't move.
"Didn't you hear them, they said to get the hell away." Two guys stand in front of our table.
Anthony and Jaylen start to walk away. Once they are on the other side of the room the guys turn around.

"Hi. I'm Alex and this is Paco."
"Hey. I'm Melody and this is Angie."
"Are you guys sisters?" Paco asks.
Angie and I look at each other.
"Something like that." Angie's says.
"Are you guys brothers?" Angie ask.
"Something like that." Alex says.
--beep beep--
"What do you have first?" I ask Angie.
"Ummm... bio."
"Same." Alex, Paco, and I say at the same time.

"This is going to be good" Angie whispers into my ear.
"I agree."

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