|Introduction| On The Corner of Magnolia and Wick street

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{5:00 p.m, Thursday, August 23.}


A loud red motorcycle screeched past the windows of a small art supplies shop. This shop was squeezed in between two large company buildings. It was a pretty tan, with graffiti all over the front walls. Many cartoonish themes of anti monster racism decorated the walls.

This little shop was a large hotspot for Ebott city's most famous masked graffiti artist, Painter.

Inside the shop, a girl whose hands were covered in paint stains stood organizing the shelves that held copic markers.

She frowned a bit at the loud noise, but quickly finished her work and ran to the back of the tiny shop to hang up her used potter's apron. Grabbing her purse and keys, she took her exit card which read clearly: '(y/n) (m/n) (l/n)'. Many days worth of clocking in and out laid on the card.

She smiled and walked out to her car, driving the ten minutes to her small two-person apartment. She grabbed the mail and walked up the three chalked-on steps to unlock the door of the apartment (picture up above^^).

The (h/c) haired girl dropped her things on the ground and ran into her room, and opened her closet which was filled to the brim with art supplies. Buckets of paint, paintbrushes, spray paint, you name it, were stacked on shelves. The walls of the room were drawn on with beautiful designs and patterns. She smiled and rummaged in the small section of the closet that was reserved for clothes.

She pulled out some black cargo pants, a black tank top, a black hoodie, a silver scarf with eyeholes cut in them, some combat boots, and a (f/c) bandanna. The hoodie sleeves and hood, and the knees of the pants were smothered in different colored paints.

After slipping them on, she grabbed her materials, and stuck them in a brown satchel. Throwing it over her shoulder, she opened the window, and judged put into the alleyway behind her apartment, which was littered with graffiti. Her graffiti. She climbed an escape ladder, and jumped onto the flat roof of a tall building.

She looked down to have just enough time to see a red motorcycle zoom past, with a grey, black and white figure on it.

Deciding to have a little fun, she chased it, her (h/c) hair whipping behind her in her ponytail.

* * * *

He rode his red-hot motorcycle to the bar, where he was meeting up with an old friend who ran it. Those who could get a glimpse of his license plate could read in bold letters: MNSTR.

To make it a bit ironic, the figure on the motorcycle was a monster. A skeleton, in fact. Known all around Ebott City as G. Nothing else. G.

Known to have mile-long tabs at bars, have many friends and secret connections, smoke vanilla and pine scented cigarettes, this leather-jacket wearing Bad Boy is the coolest guy in Ebott City.

Known to have one of the most adventurous lives, many monsters and humans alike envy him. G lives alone down on Cedar Avenue, and Wick street. Right in the middle of the crowded block.

G rides his motorcycle to downtown, unaware someone is following him on the rooftops.

* * *
{6:30 p.m, Thursday, August 23}

Under the swiftly darkening sky, (y/n) jumps down another escape ladder, and lands on a dumpster behind a popular bar. Taking out her spray paints, she paints in gold an idea she's had for a while. A golden skeleton hand holding a blue human hand.

This city was full of racism, violence and crime. (Y/n) or, Painter, wasn't big on that. So, her main goal was to paint anti-racism and violence pictures.

It took a while, but she finished, and was pretty proud of the outcome. The skeleton hand in gold was very detailed and accurate, while the human hand in blue was realistic as well. Happy with her work, she turned around to see a bright flash of a camera in her face.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly darted back to the escape ladders, accidentally leaving behind her can of golden paint.

Rushing to the escape ladders, she could hear footsteps chasing her, but she ran into the shadows and climbed up another ladder.

Once on the top of the building, she sprinted away to her next destination: on the corner of Magnolia and Wick streets.

* * *
{7:34 p.m, Thursday, August 23.}

He walked out of the back door of the bar, a bit tipsy, and heard the sound of spraying out by the dumpster.

There, was the one that got away, the one who no one has the true identity of, the one and only Painter.

Whipping out his smartphone, he fumbled around a bit for the camera, and aimed it. Then Painter turned around. The flash went off, their eyes widened, and they sprinted off, leaving behind a single bottle of still full golden spray paint. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and ran off after them, in hopes of finding that one that always gets away, but they were gone without a trace.

He walked back to the location of the spray bottle, and he picked it up, before shoving that in his pocket as well. He looked up at the mural and stared in a sort of trance at the sight.

A golden skeleton hand sat glistening on the wall, with a blue human hand holding it. It was with incredible accuracy and detail, and he took out his phone and took a picture of that as well.

Smiling, e walked off to his red motorcycle, and drove off into the darkness, his headlights blazing.

• • •
He got inside his small, run-down apartment, and he looked at the picture on his phone.

It was very blurry, a shame, but could easily be enhanced with the right machine. He took out the spray paint from his pocket, and looked at it. On the bottom there was one letter. (First initial).

He decided he would find out more about this 'Painter' he's heard so much. He decided he would go to that one art shop on the corner.

On the corner of Magnolia and Wick Street.

Yeah! A chapter! I have lots of plans for this book, and I hope you like it!

Have fun with Mr.Smexy himself!

Author-chan out!~

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