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As per usual time went on. My parents who both had jobs that take them away from home often they had always made sure to have at least one of them at the house or at the very least near by if something happened to me. But as soon as I turned 14 and entered high school that all changed. They gradually began to go about work like they did before I was born. Leaving me all alone in the two story house.
At first I was fine with it. Heck I even welcomed it! I got to have the house all to myself! So much freedom! No more bedtimes! I can stay up as long as I wanted and do just about as much as I wanted. Well just about what ever I wanted. There were a few ground rules that were laid out.

The first being no boys were to be in the house. Which was completely understandable and all but I did not see any real reason to worry about that rule. After all with me being a almost strait A and B student I had little time to date. Althow I am not as experienced in the field as most people are I was not a compleat Noob. (We will get to know more about that later on)

The second rule was that I was not to have pizza and ice cream each and every night. Fair rule but I knew this one was going to be a hard one to follow. I was weak to there temptation after all...well just about any junk foods temptation.

And the third and final major rule was that I was to stay out of trouble.

All in all fair rules no? And rather easy to keep to with rule number two as a exception.( Or so you had thought at the time.... >:3)

The first few nights your parents were away was awesome! I stayed up all night and had movie marathons on Netflix. True I would wake up the next day feeling and let be honest here looking like the living dead but it was fun.

But as time went on the house began to feel more cold at night. The shadows seemed to stretch out as if reaching for me. The quietness of the house was deafening. And when I would walk by random objects i would swear they were a person, only to look back and focus on it to see it was just a jacket on a chair or something similar.

After about a year had gone by I had more or less figured out a system. I would sleep on the couch with either the tv on letting it's Noise fill the empty house and what little light it gave off light the room, as if warding off the shadows. or I would listen to music from my phone or any other music device I had to keep your mind off things. After a while i would fall asleep and the tv would start flashing that black screen with the little 'press any button to watch tv' (or something along those lines). Or my phone would turn off from a dead battery. Leaving me to listen to the empty house. I did not really mind by the time this would happen i would be to tired to care about what I thought to be my childish fears. Besides this would help me be able to hear if someone was trying to brake into the house no?

But some where along the lines of the first year of my parents being away for long periods of time I decided to go to the park with the tree that you would play around when i were younger. Just to get a bit more of human contact and to get out of the house that was starting to feel a bit more foreign to me.
For the first few weeks I did not go by the tree but as time when on I got frustrated with myself for my childish fears of my own house that I grew up in and of the tree. So I decided I would face my childish fears. Starting with the biggest one. And began to go to the tree when ever I could.

I first started out by doing my home work by the roots but quickly realized that leaning my back up agenst the trunk of the tree was a lot more confertable. the side that held the black apples was so much cooler then the side with the gold apples. Almost as if it had its own little version of a AC which was amazing during the hotter days. I was proud of myself! I was facing my fears! Well at the very least one of them. And heck! I'm still alive, I have not dissapered or anything like that. Looks like those story's about people disappearing were just that, story's. Everything was going grate until I began to feel as there were eyes on me. Watching my every move when I was under the tree. not long after that the nightmares started...

well now that I'm done remembering what all lead up to this horrible nightmare time to focus on not dying.

Oh what fun.

As i finished that thought i set my mind fully on trying to get out. I felt something hook itself around my ankle. I only had a moment to feel even my soul grow colder with fear before I felt my knees hit the ground and pain felt pain shoot up to my back.

(Here ye go a longer chapter :). Not as long as I had wanted it to be...( did not think it would be this hard to write something this long....)
Expect the chapters to be this or about this long from now on.
I'm going to try to update a chapter a day but...we will see how things go)

Oh! If you have already read chapter one Check back up on it I changed it a bit )

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