I walked to the kitchen and see Louis sitting there with his phone in his hand, he was eating cereal.

"Hey" I said smiling at him. He turned his head towards me and smiled.

"Hey" he said quietly. Then he looked at my outfit. I had on a blue skinny jeans, a blue and white striped shirt with a navy blue jacket with black boots.

I went to grab a apple to eat because I didn't feel like making myself something. I sat beside Louis and took my phone out, i saw the time and it was time to go.

"We have to go, or else we well be late" i said getting up. I walked to the door with Louis behind me. We went to my car and got in.

"I didn't know you had a car, you were walking home yesterday so why didn't you just take your car if you already have one?" Louis asked. This boy asks everything.

"Um because i just felt walking" i said pulling out of the driveway. After that he stayed quiet. We drove to school, then i asked a few questions.

"When is your birthday?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"December 24" he answered.

"Wow Christmas eve?" Then he nodded.

"Have any siblings?" I asked again.

"I have 6" he said smiling. 

"That's alot, I have tw- I mean one" I said catching myself.

"Yeah I know, you told me yesterday"

When we got to school, I parked the car in the student parking area. We got out and I followed Louis.

"Hey Niall!" A girl said smiling walking over to me.

"Um... Hey?" I said confused, because I had no idea who this is.

" You already forgot who I am?!" She said hurt.

"No no no! I mean I forgot your name?" I said trying to be nice but failing.

"I'm lottie!" She said frowning.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry" I said.

"Its ok, anyways come on, lets go to class" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me. I walked as she pulled me. When she let go, we were in math, i sat right beside lottie and I saw Louis on the other side of the room. He was talking to a girl.

"Niall? Can I ask you something?" Lottie asked quietly.

I turned my head to her. "Of course you can" I said smiling.

"Well um do you know anyone named James?" She asked smirking.

"No" I said casually.

"Don't lie, the week before you came to this school i saw you and a boy at the mall who looked exactly like you" she said.

"James!" Niall said annoyed as I kept throwing popcorn on his hair.

"Fine! Yes I know 'James' " I said rolling my eyes, I smiled.

"Where is he?" She asked.

I looked at her, then I looked around and saw that Louis was looking at me. I held my hand.

"Yes Niall?" The teacher asked.

"Lottie isn't feeling good, can I take her to the nurses office?" I asked.

"Yes" then she went back to teaching.

I grabbed lotties hand and pulled her out of the room. I looked around the halls and went straight to the cafeteria.

Twins? || Ziall // DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant