Chapter six

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Paris Pov..

Hmm... Something going on and I really don't know what it is... Mika and Alina are still actin weird around me.. I mean have I done something wrong? French went by quick and I think I've got to grasps with it now. But Zach still thinks I'm crazy... Haha oh well, me and Zach laughed it off and went to dinner.

While I was in the line, I got a text from Corey..


*Text conversation*

Corey: hey Paris xx

Paris: Heyy hun, what's up? Xx

Corey: we need to talk ASAP xx

Paris: alright then, I will find ya once I got mi food.. Xx

Corey: yeah alright cyaa in a bit xx

Paris: cyaa later matey moo xxx


Awwwh bless our Corey, but it sound important, I wonder what he wants to talk about. I know it won't be nothing awkward cause Corey has been my dopey mate since play school!! I got my chips and went to meet Corey

Corey Pov..

I texted Paris telling he we need to talk. I know Jaden is going to literally KILL me when I tell her; he likes her... But yanoo he will get over it.

Paris came over to sit with me, and asked me what we needed to talk about, I was about to tell her about Jaden, but he decided to show up too. Great my plan is in the waiting zone for now..

Alina Pov.

I saw Paris go and Sit my Corey, he's like the dumbest boy alive.. I swear; but they seemed to be talking about something interesting until Jaden, showed up then they stopped.. Something going on and I don't like it..

Paris and Jaden won't ever get together if it's the last thing I do!! I've just gotta make Paris think Jaden isn't interested in her.. Haha and I've got the perfect plan,


Alina was staring at Jaden, Corey and Paris and I could tell she was planning something cause she had that sly look on her face 😏.. Then she quickly turned around, I nearly jumped out of my skin;then she told me the plan.. We were going to make a random Facebook account and write horrible statues about Paris; telling her to stay away from Jaden or else.. I know that sounds really evil.. But trust me It could be worse.. I mean Paris has done some bad thing to me like.. Ermm.. Well she took my lipstick once.. So yeah she deserves everything she's on a get!

The day went by quick and so me and Mika got our plan ready..

We made a Facebook with the account name Mina Jackson.. Jaden "girlfriend"

And started the hate!!!

Paris Pov..

I was sat at my computer, checking my Facebook when I got a request from Mina, we did have a Mina at our school so presumed it was her. So I accepted. But then; she started writing statues saying, "if Paris Stuck-up darling, goes near my Jaden again; she'll regret it!" I then got inbox messages telling me to stay away from Jaden.. I could believe what was happening to me, I couldn't take the statues and messages no more; so I quickly shut my computer down!

I could help but cry that night, I felt worthless, and that I could never be happy again...

Backstabbers, love and Teenage DramaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora