Chapter 2 (Edited)

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I've been in the bathroom for what, 15 minutes and Dave and Joe have been running back and forth telling me to hurry the fuck up.

"You don't know it but I'm flipping you off right now!" I would yell every time they ran by.

I'm not in the mood dude, so just shut the hell up and let me get ready.

I looked at myself one last time. I look ridiculous this is a fucking prom dress!

I open the medicine cabinet and shuffle the trash around looking for some scissors. I gently pat around the top shelf, what I don't wanna cut myself. I hear a clink and grab the object. I bring it down and look at it, it's not scissors, but a little black box. Curious I open the box. Well that was a mistake. What I see shatters my heart into a billion pieces. It was the ring that Austin had gotten me on my 15th birthday. I twist it around in my fingers and wipe away the tears gliding down my cheeks.

The red gem glistened in the artificial light of the bathroom. I hop down off the sink and open the door. Mom was still sitting on the bed looking just as depressed as she was 20 minutes ago.

"There you are! It's about time you came out!"

When I didn't respond, she sat down next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"C'mon Malika, what's wrong sweetie?" she looks down at my hands.

I gulp down a sob and force out a couple words, "It-it's my r-ring," I started sniffling, "The one Austin got me when I turned 15."

"It's beautiful baby girl. Still fits." She held my hand causing the ring to sparkle.

I let a little laugh, "Yeah."

"Now hunny ho fix your makeup. Don't wanna be late now do we?" She cupped my cheek planting a kiss on my forehead, before gently pushing me towards the bathroom.

*after fixing makeup*

Turning around to open the door, I suddenly got a strong whiff of a very familiar scent. A scent that I never thought I would experience again. Austin's cologne. Chills ran down my spine.

The room's temperature dropped very suddenly. It went from absolutely silent to hearing a light breathing. My body froze. I've been holding my breath so I know it's not me. Cold chills ran down my arms followed by cobwebs on my lips. I was shocked but I didn't feel threatened. The feeling spread to my chest almost as if someone were hugging me. I smiled at the feeling, maybe it was Austin trying to show me something he didn't get to say before he died.

I've heard from TV shows and stuff, that sometimes cobwebs and temperature drops is a sign that and unseen presents is among you. But as fast as the feeling came it disappeared. So I flattened out the wrinkles in my dress and walked out the door.

Alex and Zach were slumped over on the bed with their noses in their phone. I can always tell when they're depressed and sad. They never look you in the eyes or they never look up, because they've been crying and their eyes are red and swollen.

It tore me apart to see them like this, they were broken ans they can be fixed.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked running my hands through Alex's dark brown hair. Since he cut it I've been doing that I don't know why but he seemed to calm down when I did.

And Zach shaved too he cleans up nice. I never thought I'd see the day! Haha...

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