Beautiful Nightmare (Austin Mahone fanfic)

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Chapter 1: Malika's POV

"Mom, I'm not going! I'm too upset as it is. I'm not gonna embarrass myself even more by having a mental breakdown in front of 700 people!"

I told her before I wasn't going to Austin's funeral. I want to, but I just can't stand to see him right now. He was my best friend.

Alex told me in like....I don't know 6th grade that Austin was in love with me, but I think he was just saying that.

"Yes you are going! And I don't care missy! So get your ass in that bathroom and change, or you're grounded till your 23rd birthday!" she threatened throwing a bundle of black fabric on to the bed. But that's like 3 three years, so haha mother!!

Not sure what else to do, I just gave up, slinging the dress over my shoulder.

"Bitch." i mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" I knew she heard me, I glanced up and saw her reflection glaring at me in the mirror.

"Nothing!" i say as I walk into the bathroom and slam the door behind me.


Sorry that its so short. But I'll update tomorrow promise.

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