Chapter Thirty

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I woke up the next morning around nine o'clock, realizing what day it was, May 23rd.

I was about to roll out of bed when Damon came in, holding Bonnie's hand like his life depended on it.

"Hey Elena, are you doing anything today?" the eldest Salvatore asked me, looking throughout my room.

"I was actually in a deep sleep for the first time in months and how about you?"

"I too slept amazing—although I think Bonnie had helped when it came to that."

"Okay, so that's not a picture I want to imagine this early in the morning," I told him, pushing him out of my to go talk to my best friend.

"Actually, do you, um, do you just want me to leave the room and you can just go talk?" Damon said to us, not really giving us a choice in the matter. He wanted me to check up on Bonnie; he wanted her to let out any locked up emotions she wouldn't tell him.

"That sounds great, but do you want to go for a walk instead?" Bonnie asked, her eyes looking into mine almost pleadingly.

"Whatever Bonnie wants, Bonnie gets." I nodded, showing that I would always be there for her no matter what. I loved Bonnie, so there would not be a day that goes by where I don't want her not to be protected; she may find me overly clingy and possibly get annoyed, but I only did it because she's one of my favorite people to be around.

"That sounds amazing, Elena!" Bonnie giggled, grabbing my hand as we walked downstairs and went outside the house. We decided to go to the park and just take in all the beauty. "Elena, I know you feel like you didn't do enough to help me, but you did and I wouldn't lie to you about that. I know you've lost a lot of people, too many to count, but you're not going to lose me."

"What makes you think you can promise that? Didn't Stefan promise the same thing too?"

"Yes, but you haven't lost Stefan. We saw him in California and we know how much he loves you and would do anything to protect you."

"Since when did you get so good at lifting my spirits?"

"Since I became your best friend, but I also know how you like to let your doubt run wild in that head of yours. I don't like seeing you upset, so it's my job to make sure you get all the happiness in the world. Also, I know you would the same thing for me. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure you have a smile on your face, even if I have to give up everything. The few things that bring me joy is talking to you every day, which means I will continue to do so for as long as humanly possible," Bonnie said to me, love and compassion showing in her eyes.

"Bonnie, if I didn't know you had the capability to cheer me up just by talking to me, I would certainly believe it right now. I guess after I lost so many people after my parents died, I was afraid to tell anyone how I was truly feeling, but not with you. Bonnie, you truly are one of the best people I know, but you're also the easiest person I can talk to, which the only other person is Stefan. You showed me what I did to look for when it comes to my future friendships, but you also are always looking out for me. There's a short list of people that I actually believe I'll spend my entire life with, but I will say that I don't know where I would be in life in I didn't know you or where I will go if I don't have you."

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you in my life?"

"Bonnie Shelia Bennett, I could say the same thing to you." I smiled and felt genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. Everything seemed to be exactly perfect in that moment, despite the fact that the man I loved wasn't there right beside me. Yes, I loved my friends and would be eternally grateful for them, but there seemed to be a hole in my heart that only Stefan could fix.

There was no doubt in my mind that Stefan would come back to me, but five months without him was getting painful to bear. I was ready to find him, to bring him back home where he belonged; after all this time, we would finally make the right decision.

"Okay, so I say it's time we go back to the boarding house. I really don't want Damon to worry, I think the whole think at the Grill scared him more than he's letting on."

"You're probably right about that, but I don't blame him," I replied, smiling at her. It was as though I knew exactly what Damon was feeling, but I suppose I did, considering the fact that I knew nothing about what was happening with Stefan and that I loved Bonnie as much as Damon did, but in a platonic way.

Either way, all these events just proved I wasn't ready to lose another person I cared about.

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