The Truth

487 19 7

Narrator's POV

"Park Tzuyu," the speaker called. Tzuyu looked up and sighed. She didn't want to go so she stayed there for a while. Hoping no one heard. 

"Yah, someone's calling you. Don't tell me you're deaf too," the guy snickered and was pulled by another guy. She doesn't want to get into any trouble now, so she just gave him a look and walked away. 

Tzuyu scoffed at the guy and saw his uniform. It was beige with white. 

Lucky guy 

In Tzuyu's new school, they have this system. A color coding uniform system. All of the uniforms are given two colors, white and your own color. 

Calmest - Beige 

Calm - Yellow

Misbehaved - Orange

Unkind - Green

Harmful - Navy Blue

Dangerous - Violet

Destructive - Red

The Calmest were given the privilege to go outside, but they had a limit of 24 hours or their status will be change into Dangerous passing through 3 levels. 

Tzuyu was given a Green uniform. All of the colors (except red) wore a black necklace (like a choker) with a small gem on the middle. 

And of course, the gems has a meaning too. 

Warning #1 - White

Warning #2 - Blue

Warning #3 - Red

This choker is special, it has the ability to shock a certain person by just a push of a button or a flick of a switch. The point is, it's easy. 

The Red ones were given a bracelet with a tracker inside. Only the key from the headmaster can unlock it. 

You get shocked from stuff you usually shouldn't do. Like break the rules and all. The headmaster has a room full of buttons next to the student's name,  so it was really easy for him. (and time consuming)

Anyways, going back to the story.

Tzuyu sighed and went to the office. She opens the door and sees a familiar guy sitting behind the big desk.

It was the guy that was talking to her mother. 

"Park Tzuyu, you may take a seat," the headmaster looked at her while tapping his fingers. "Or should I say..Chou Tzuyu?"

Tzuyu glared, but didn't move. 

"I heard you were just adopted," he spun his chair like an evil villain in his lair. "And I also heard you have a friend here." 

"A friend?" she looked at him with one raised eyebrow. 

"Have you heard of the name..." he stood up and whispered on Tzuyu's ear. "Minatozaki Sana?" 

Tzuyu's eyes widened, hearing her love's name. 


"She was a student here," he said. "She escaped.. she thought we wouldn't track her down if she broke the bracelet."


"She's one of the..

"Red ones." 


Nayeon sat by the bay window hugging her knees. She looked at the dress Jinyoung bought for her and shook her head. 

"This isn't me," said Nayeon as she hops off and held the dress with her hand. "I have to fix myself and stop loving someone I can't have..she has someone else Nayeon..." 

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