Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 : Midnight 

Audrina's P.O.V

I was seated in the corner of my bed with my chin rested against my knees blanketing my body from the cold air surfacing the room. The night was going very well I had to admit, I liked just sitting here with Harry, hearing his sweet laugh whenever something funny would happen or glancing over at him and seeing his jade orbs wide open staring at the TV screen like a child. 

"Round two" I exclaimed as I reached beneath my bed and grabbed an unopened bag of Lays chips. I opened it and popped a few chips in my mouth savouring the tangy barbecue taste that pleased my senses. 

"Give me some" Harry chuckled as he pushed himself off of Payton's bed and strode over to me and sat beside me on my bed. He pinched my comforter and I nodded to him signaling to him that it was okay for him to come beneath it with me. I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting myself into but at this point I was too starstruck by his mesmerizing beauty and charm that nothing happening around me even mattered. He reached into the bag and dropped some chips into his mouth and then chewed quietly as I gazed at how perfectly everything he did seemed to be. The pace of my heart quickened as he glanced over at me and smiled cheekily, his eyes glimmering beneath the dimly lit lights above us. "You're beautiful, you know that right?" Questioned Harry in a deep velvet voice, I was lost for words and I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat up. I was absolutely baffled over how he brought me to such a lost and vulnerable state, no man had ever this effect on me before so I was unsure of how to respond. 

"No, no I don't" I replied shyly letting my gaze drop to the chip bag on my lap as I felt Harry's head rest against mine.

"Listen to me, anybody who says you are anything other then beautiful is completely mad." Harry said softly as he gently tilted my chin so his eyes and mine were fixed upon each others. His smile was warm and soft yet his eyes were so dark and filled with anger, it was a direly perfect combination between good and bad. 

"I don't know what to say" I admitted sheepishly as the corners of his soft plump lips twitched into a half smile as he bowed his head down a little bit and rested his forehead gently against mine.

"Don't say anything at all then." 

The silence and contact between Harry and I was nice, and to be quite frank I could just sit here with him for days if I could, it was a beautiful feeling. I buried myself deeper beneath the covers and I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist and rested my head against his chest. I looked up at him and a smirk was plastered across his face and as we watched the movie I could feel his chest slowly falling and rising with each breath he took. 

"Audrina?" Harry squeaked, his voice was almost an octave higher then it usually was. 

"Yeah?" I asked as I shifted my weight off of his chest and leaned back on my palms. 

"Would it be bad if I kissed you?" He croaked as I cocked my head to the side to examine him. His eyes were soft and they sparkled with each breath he took, I sighed and flopped onto my back letting my head hit my pillow.

"I'm sorry" I sighed as I covered my face with my palms, evidently too embarrassed to show my face. "I just can't" I murmured as I sat up once again, a frown formed appeared against his lips and a feeling of guilt buried it's self in my heart. "I really want to kiss you, I just can't right now, it's not right." I said quietly as I traced his lips softly with the pad of my ring finger, my eyes fluttered shut at the soft skin beneath my fingers and my heart ached with desire at the thought of my lips against his. 

"You're right, I'm sorry." He apologized as he hopped off of the bed and slowly crept back to Payton's bed and flicked the lights off. I crawled beneath my covered and buried my head beneath my pillow and quietly cursed myself out for missing the chance to kiss Harry. 


My sleep was disrupted when I heard a hushed yelp boom from the other side of the room. I woke up in a panic and padded to Harry's bed and noticed he was tossing and turning with his t-shirt soaked with tears. I was unsure of whether I should wake him up but decided against it and climbed into his bed and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer into me. His cries soon stopped, which made me content and I slowly drifted off to sleep with my arms wrapped around the distraught, green eyed curly headed boy. 


I woke up with Harry's arms wrapped around me with my head rested in the crook of his neck, an unfamiliar feeling I could most definitely get used to. I wiggled out of his grasp and climbed out of bed I glanced up at the clock hung up in the corner of the room and mentally scolded myself for sleeping in until nine. I was startled when Harry's hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me backwards so I went tumbling onto the bed.

"Stay" he said groggily, his morning voice was husky and deep but nonetheless beautiful. 

"I'm going to be late for class Harry" I said softly as I trailed my thumb against his jawline.

"You don't need to go to class, I was thinking we could maybe spend the day together?" Harry chimed as he sat up and I began to weigh the pro's and con's of skipping class but his offer seemed too intriguing to pass up. 

"Fine but I'm going to the gym now, my mom got me a membership and after last night I need to go." I pushed myself off of the bed and threw my hair into a pony tail and dabbed some lip gloss onto my plump lips and began to throw some workout clothes into my hot pink Puma gym bag. 

"Okay, I'm going back to bed have fun." Harry called to me as I left the dorm and began to walk to the gym. I was still wearing my yoga shorts and tank top that I slept in last night but I didn't stand out among the crowd of people making their way down the busy streets of Toronto. According to my phone the gym was only a ten minute walk from my dorm which was a relief and I thankfully arrived to a large glass building on the corner of a street that had a sign out front with the words 'World Gym' on it in deep red lettering. I reached for the large door handle and let myself in and handed my member card to a tall blond at the front counter who unlocked the doors to the main gym for me. A row of treadmills with men running on them were directly in front of the door which caught me off guard but I made a quick turn down a hallway with a sign that said change rooms. I went into a stall and changed into my gym attire and went back to the workout area. I spotted a vacant treadmill beside a tall and handsome man wearing a black and red Obey snapback and a black tank top with workout shorts. I climbed on and set the pace of the turning ground below me to five which would allow me to slowly jog. The man beside me smirked at me as I began running, his smile was welcoming and warm and he pointed to the men on the other side of me who were basically gawking at the sight of me. 

"Is everybody like that wherever you go?" He questioned as I chuckled at his statement and shrugged.

"Not really."

"Interesting, well I'm Liam, what's your name beautiful?" Liam cheekily asked as a crimson color crept upon my cheeks. 

"I'm Audrina." I replied back.

"You're new here aren't you?" He questioned as I nodded, my feet were already sore after just one minute of running. 

"Yeah, how did you know?" The smile on Liam's face grew at my question, he batted his eyelashes at me and continued to run. 

"It's hard to forget a beautiful face like yours." 

"Thank you" I replied casually as I sped the treadmill up to six and took a sip out of my water bottle. 

"No problem, I'm a personal trainer here and I have an open spot so we could maybe go upstairs and I could teach you some abdominal workouts?" Chimed Liam as my eyes widened, I had always wanted to workout with a personal trainer since Iacked motivation and my kinesthetic intelligence wasn't exactly the highest so I'd be a fool not to take upon his offer. 


Author's Note: Sorry guys for the late update I was in Toronto yesterday doing shopping and I obviously was unable to update! Massive thank you for over one thousand Instagram followers on the littleblxckdress account, you all are A M A Z I N G

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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