After hours of discussing, they had come to the point that Amelia and Freya would stay to get into Elijah's mind, while the others would find and destroy the deadly rose thorns. 

Amelia knew that she would be the one to enter her husband's mind. A heavy weight was on her shoulders and doubt consumed her. Was she even close enough to him? Would she be able to pull him out? 

"Are you ready?" 

Freya interrupted her dark thoughts and Amelia nodded. She played down inside the salt circle and began to chant the spell in unison with the Mikaelsson witch. With her anchoring the spell from outside and Amelia holding it from the inside they would be strong enough to buy them some time. 

The heretic wasn't surprised to see a clean white hallway in front of her when she opened her eyes again. Memories were tucked away safely behind doors. 

She started to roam the hallway, allowing herself to stay and listen to his voice coming out muffled through the doors. This fitted him perfectly, she thought smiling. 

Only one door differed from the others. The famous red door. It was broken, damaged and a dark presence lurked behind it. She didn't waste time watching other memories. The happy ones of them together had happened just a few days ago and she was determined to have more happy moments with him. The others were none of her business. And of course she knew that he would hide behind the red door; he was the type for it. He would get himself consumed in the faults he made, in the monstrosities he did. 

Screams echoed through the old wood of the door and Amelia just went in before she could hesitate. 

It was dark in here, she barely could see anything. Glimpses of moonlight showed bodies covered in blood. There was movement in the edge opposite her. Gulping noises sounded from there. 

Amelia stepped closer and she could see Elijah's broad back, covered in an ancient leather gear. His long, dirty hair fell on his shoulders. 


She whispered, exited to see his face. 

He let his victim fall to the ground to look at her, but Amelia's gaze wasn't on her husband's. She saw the face of the woman he had just fed on. It was her own face. It was her at all to be precise, on the day he had turned her into a vampire. She remembered the dress she wore. Fear was written on her lifeless features, blood was smeared over her neck.

Blood that stained Elijah's lips. The night of him killing her had clung into his mind, it was the first thing behind the red door. 

Now that Amelia was freed of the devil's influence, she could remember the fear she felt that night. His eyes were cold, no emotion visible. She took some steps back only to have a crib resembling the one that she had placed her child in a thousand years ago stopping her. 

If he would kill her in here, she would be lost forever. 

But suddenly, she closed her eyes and relaxed a bit. Showing fear would just pique his monsters hunting desire. When she opened her eyes again, they gleamed with intensity. She looked directly into his eyes, hoping that he would recognize her.

"I'm not afraid of you." 

He was right in front of her in the matter of a second, nearly being too close for her liking right now. Something helpless was on his face as if he had no choice but to kill her. 

Elijah bent her over the crib and leaned down to her neck. 

"I forgive you Elijah, I forgave you a long time ago." 

She whispered, resembling her last words to him when he was killed by the devil. It seemed to work, he stopped in his tracks. He stared into her eyes for a long time before he spoke. 


His voice was barely a whisper, but the heretic smiled happily and couldn't help herself but to hug her husband tightly. She got him. She had pulled him out of his own illusion. The blood that clung to his skin now stained her clothes but she didn't care. His hands lightly rubbed her back, like they always did. 

"Let's get you out of this wretched place..." 

She took his rugged hands and led him towards the door. When they went out of the memory, Elijah was back in his neat suit, his hair short and nicely done. Amelia was free of any blood, too. 

Before anything could be said, he grabbed her by the waist in kissed her passionately. The heretic leaned deeply into the kiss, tasting his sweet lips and sucking that moment in, in case this was their last. 

"I have to go for now, Elijah. But I promise, we'll get you back. It won't take long now." 

He nodded and pressed her to his body again, pressing his nose to her hair, inhaling her scent. She smelled like a rose in the morning sun, so he would always remember it. Even though she was so certain about his rebirth, he knew it wouldn't be easy. He wouldn't allow himself to forget any detail of her, even if he was locked in here forever. 

With one last smile she let go of his hand and disappeared into a gleaming white light. 

The Devil In Me - Elijah Mikaelson -Where stories live. Discover now