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-6 months till Ceremony-Shining-Rage Industry Living Quarters-

The members of STARISH looked around in awe at the decor of the lobby of Shining Agency's newest building.

"No way, we get to live here!?" Otoya shouted ecstatically, spinning around in a circle as an attempt to take everything in.

At the front entrance was a desk where a pretty lady was sitting, and standing on either side of the white desk were two buff guys dressed in black security uniforms. After the members scanned their agency IDs, they were able to pass through a pair of automatic glass doors that slid open on their own, and allowed the group to enter a large room that seemed to be made completely out of marble. On the ceiling was a mural of pastel colors that swirled around a crystal chandelier that glowed a warm yellow onto the familiar symbols that decorated the creme marble flooring that seemed completely vacant, as if the lobby was actually a ballroom. On either side of the room were large, white marble pillars that led up to the second floor that could be easily viewed from where the group were, as well it had a bunch of seating areas hidden behind them.

"Not just us, of course." Tokiya attempted to keep himself looking composed, though it was quite obvious that he too was impressed by the architecture.

"That's exactly right!" A familiar voice shouted, causing the seven to look up at the second floor. There stood the four members of Quartet Night, looking down at their once underclassmen with the different, yet familiar, facial expressions that they usually wore.

"You guys are finally here!" A cheerful voice exclaimed, as a pair of double doors opened across the room, which revealed a cheerfully beaming Haruka as she stepped out of the elevator and rushed up to her idol classmates, who she now composed for professionally after the completed the Master Course about five years before.

Unfortunately, the reunion did not last long, before an exasperated shout came from behind the members and composer of STARISH, and they turned to look at the entrance at another group of seven. "No way! What are you guys doing here?!" Nagi shouted, pointing in an accusing manner at the Shining Agency idols, and composer.

"Huh? Shouldn't we be asking you that?!" Syo questioned, looking about as startled as the others did. "This is a Shining Agency building!" He added afterwards.

"Unfortunately, you can't be more wrong, Shorty."

"S-Shorty?!" The blond squinted his eyebrows once more at the group that suddenly appeared from one of the seating areas behind the pillars, causing the members of STARISH to wonder to themselves how they hadn't noticed the eccentric group earlier.

The group consisted of two girls and two boys.

"Yeah, that's what I said." The girl who had spoken stated in a nonchalant tone, quickly followed by a pop of a pink gum bubble as her neon orange eyes narrowed at the males. She had a mixture of neon and army green bobbed hair, with her bangs being held back by a pair of red lens goggles. She also wore an orange jumpsuit that had sleeves that barely covered her shoulders and ended just at her thighs, black knee-highs that ended below her knees, and brown combat boots.

"Fumie, please don't get into another fight." Sighed the other female. Just like the other, she looked quite young, possibly just out of High school if the groups had to guess. She had waist long hair that was snowy white on one side and pitch black on the other, crimson red eyes, and a pale complexion that made her look almost like a doll. She was wearing a black and red leather jacket over a black tank top, a red skirt, and black fishnet stockings with black combat boots. "Especially not with our new roommates." She added afterwards.

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