"Jacob? We're just friends! Stop being so over protective!"

Millie fired back

"It's not being overprotective when he tried to kiss you!"

He said raising his voice, by now the whole cafeteria had their eyes on them

"Oh come on Finnie, you know he didn't mean it like that.."

Millie said trying to tune into Finns soft side giving herself a more seductive look and running her hand down his arm

"Really? Because it sure seemed like he was trying to convince that I'm not good enough."

Finn said backing away from her

"Well fine! If that's what you want to think! Then go ahead."

She said turning around sharply and leaving the room, as Finn left through the opposite exit.

After that it was quiet, then the room quickly filling with whispers and rumors of what was going on between them. The bell ringing soon after signaling breakfast was over and that it was time to go change for drills.

Walking back to their cell, Sophia and Grace went over the multitude of possible scenarios that could've have caused their fight. And just naturally Sophia looked down a spare hall and her eyes went wide.

Millie, Millie and Finn were down at the end of the hall, making out? She gripped onto Grace's shirt holding her her back from walking any farther

"What the hell—"

Grace said before following her gaze to see Finn and Millie at the end of the hall, having some, fun. However the second they started to pull away from each other Sophia and Grace made a run for it back to their cell.

Getting back and slamming the door behind them as they both struggled to catch their breath, after a few minutes they were told by a guard to hurry up.

"What the fuck was that"

Sophia asked staring at the ground blankly

"Them making up?"

Grace said in a weary tone

"You don't just kiss someone like that after having that kind of a fight."

Sophia explained changing into a new days outfit, Grace just shrugged not knowing what to make of it

"You coming?"

Sophia now said ready to leave for drills

"I'll catch up with you"

She said still sitting nonchalantly on her bed, and Sophia went on without her.

As grace was changing, she heard something off coming from the cell next door.

"Okay, I just set the screws loose on all of the washing machines. So later today they'll all break down when someone tries to use them"

Someone, what sounded like a female in her twenties had said.


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