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I walk through the forest with scrapes and cuts everywhere on my body. I am in some state. I have no clue where I am. I was chased by the hunters of Artemis for a while then I dove into a cave. After about six hours of walking through the cave I found my way out. That was two hours ago. I am alone in this world. No gods and no friends. Everyone hates me for some odd fucking reason. How you ask? Well, pop a squat and get ready for story time.


I stepped out of the cab and paid the man $30.00 for the fare. I looked up at the Empire State Building and walked in. I walked up to the desk of the doorman and asked, “I would like to go to the 600th Floor, please.”

“No such thing kid.” He said not even looking up.

“I am Percy Jackson twice savior of Olympus. I know there is a 600th floor so let me in.” I said. He looked up and recognized. His eyes grew wide and I saw a bead of sweat streak its way down his face. “Please”

“Sorry sir.” He said quickly and handed me the key. I walked into the elevator and pressed the 600th floor button. You’re probably wondering why I am at Olympus. Well today Annabeth Chase is turning 19 and well I am going to ask Athena for Annabeth’s hand in marriage. We have been dating since the end of the Titan War, and well being a demigod you never know how long you will live. So, I need to make the best of it while I can.

The doors opened and my breath was taken once again. Olympus never ceases to amaze me. The white and gold marble everywhere. There is even black marble now that Hades is an Olympian. When the Giant War ended I denied Immortality again and asked for Hestia and Hades to be made Olympians. The world has been at peace since the war.

I started walking toward the palace with an Owl on it. The Palace of Athena. It took me a while to walk there because I was admiring the amazing work that Annabeth put into the buildings. It was even more beautiful than before the wars. She put a lot of work into her job as head architect of Olympus.

When I finally arrived to the palace I knocked on the door. Athena answered after a few minutes. And looked at me. We have come to an understanding and she now approves of my and Annabeth’s relationship.

“Why hello Percy, what can I do for you.” She asked.

“I wanted to asked your permission to marry Annabeth Chase.” I asked a little scared.

“Do you have the ring?” She asked.

“Not yet Hephaestus is making it for me. I asked him if he would and he agreed.” I answered with more confidence

“Well then Perseus Jackson, I give you my blessing to marry my daughter, Annabeth Chase.” She said smiling at me. “There is no one more worthy of the position.”

“Thank you Lady Athena.” I said bowing to her. I walked away from her palace fairly happy. My walk back through Olympus was much faster. That was mostly due to the fact that I was nearly running to Hephaestus’ forge. I walked up to the door and knocked. Leo answered.

“Wassup Percy? Your ring is finished.” He said handing me a red velvet box I opened it and what I saw was a masterpiece in itself. It was a silver, Imperial Gold, and Celestial Bronze band with a Sea-Green diamond cut into the shape of an owl. Inside the band was written Through wars and into the heart.

“Tell your father I said thank you.” I said running to the elevator. I got in and pressed the lobby button. I hailed a cab and said, “Farm Road 3.141, Long Island, New York 11954.” He drove there no question. The drive wasn’t very long. It was just long enough for me to think about proposing to my wise girl. When we arrived I paid him and ran up the hill and into camp. I ran past Peleus saying hello. I walked to my cabin wondering how I would propose now that I had the ring. The sun was beginning to set on the horizon and the moon was rising. I went into my cabin and layed down on my bed.

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