Story Introduction

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                   ***STORY INTRO****

FAB5 the most popular music band of India's top music college SPACE. FAB5 is not only known for their music but was more famous for their friendship,the trust,the bond they all five share. Nandini, Mukti, Alya, Cabir and Dhruv..They were together since last 15 years. All were rich they had everything except that thing that every normal child craves for...LOVE. They never got love they deserved from their family, hence they found peace in music which brang them together. Where everyone in college was inspired and appreciates their friendship there was one person who was hell jealous from them and that was Nandini's so called boyfriend Harshad Khanna. He was dating Nandini just for the sake of her property nd he can't have it till she had FAB5 by her side. So he always plans to break their friendship. But Nandini always maintained a distance between him and her friends as they understand his real intentions and they always had a argue over Harshad so she thought to keep them away. On another side Manik was also his dad's property's only owner after his dad passed. He was also untouched from love. Inspite having a family he never had it.
What will happen when these two will cross each other's way?
Stay tuned for next update
Hope uh like it..😊😊

Author's Note: I know this was a short one..but first part of story will be very long. And someday i would post more than one update nd someday no update..All depends on schedules. Hope uh guys understand. And plss ask your friends to have a look at it. I'm working very hard on this ff.

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