"That's probably why she acted all depressed and shit," pink hair continued, shrugging nonchalantly about the fact that somebody else was so obviously hurting. "I mean, she's acted that way all year. It was probably just for attention, though."

"She's been gone for a couple days," the brunette lisped, nodding slowly. She apparently found no need to feel bad, either, when her piece of shit friend didn't.

"Yeah, and the other two have been acting all sad and whatever... Maybe she finally killed herself." Punk girl gave one last shrug, as if the loss of another human's life meant less to her than a weather report.

I couldn't take it anymore. Slowly, I stood up and made my way over to their conjoined yellow desk. It wasn't that far, but my plodding, determined steps made the journey seem long. When I stopped in front of them, both girls looked up. Pixie cut's eyes widened to the size of saucers at the sight of me, but her pink haired friend only narrowed hers. "Um, can I help you?"

I squinted back, wondering how much staring it would take to intimidate a sophomore. I could feel my jaw clench and unclench and laughed internally as the skinny girl on her right gulped. "Did I hear you talking shit about my best friend?"

The pink haired girl pursed her lips and put on a defensive look. "So what if I was?"

My eyebrows lifted and I worked hard to keep my anger contained. I wasn't just angry, I was furious, and her bad attitude wasn't working in her favor. "How about you come over here and discuss this with me like an adult?"

"What're you gonna do, make me?" She challenged, tossing her head in an effort to flick a pink curl out of her eyes. I continued staring, waiting for her to speak. It wasn't long before she caved. "Are you mad because you're the only one who misses your shy little friend now that she's gone?"

At the taunting in her voice, I snapped and launched myself across the desk, fists poised.

She let out a piercing shriek, that echoed around the classroom which had gone completely quiet. I was so focused on her stupid face earlier that I didn't even notice the freshmen's silence and wide-eyed stares as the confrontation between me and pink hair played out. Her skinny friend bolted backwards and knocked over a chair, obviously not about to take a punch from me.

Next thing everyone knew, I sent the pink-haired girl flying to the floor with a single shove. Her back hit the concrete with a satisfying crack and I stood above her, chest heaving from the sudden exertion.

"Listen up, you bitch: If you ever talk about my best friend or anybody else like that again, it's gonna hurt a whole hell of a lot worse. Life is a precious fucking thing and if you have the nerve to make it sound like someone's is worthless, then you might as well just end your own. Pieces of shit like you don't deserve to breathe the same air as the people that fight every day to keep their chin up and keep going!" I actually had a lot more to say on the subject, but multiple pairs of hands were suddenly yanking me away from the bitch on the floor. She still hadn't moved, but at least now her face was distorted with terror as I stood above her, shaking with anger.

I shook them off and spun around the face my art teacher and a trembling sophomore boy. The group of obnoxious freshman was huddled in a corner with eyes the size of silver dollar. I noticed a few lips trembling, but for once in their lives they made no sound. Shoving some fallen hair out of my face and calming my breathing, I met the eyes of the teacher. The poor guy looked completely surprised by my outburst, and the boy that had helped yank me away seemed ready to bolt.

"Sir, I'm sorry," I ran a hand through the coarse end of my braid and tried hard to find a respectful tone. "I won't cause any more trouble and I'll take myself down to the office, you have my word. I just hope she learned her lesson. All of them." The kid seemed to shrink even more when I motioned to the slew of shocked girls and turned on my heel to find the door. My ugly, disproportionate horse drawing and pencil had been knocked to the ground in our scuffle, but I wasn't about to go back and pick them up. Hell, the pink-haired girl could have them for all I cared. They were just about as worthless as her.

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