Chapter 8

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I kept on running until I was in front of my house I walked into my room and almost slammed the door closed in frustration

I threw myself on my bed still trying to catch my breath after the run the fight with Layla couldn't get out of my head I took my pillow and buried my face with it

What should I do with myself I just lost my best friend because of a boy...
But it can't be my fault she choose that path right? It's not my fault she felt threatened by me it's her fault her mistake......

I just..wished it would never had gone to this point...

I made the right decision in the end if she can act like a stranger towards me there yelling at me like a crazy insane person to me a friend she known for so many years then what's the point in being best friends...I can't deal with these kind of people and tbh.....I don't think our friendship would have been better if we still where friends now...

Guess that how life is you need to go trough hard times in life to get to the better and right now I'm in the darkness waiting for my saving light to get me away from the darkness

I put away the pillow and closed my eyes hoping that I could sleep a little and try to escape all the thoughts there is killing me right now

But of course that wasn't going to happen because that's how my life is right now thanks a lot brain

After 15 minutes of fighting with my mind and thoughts who was the boss because I'm childish and don't want my thoughts to win over me I eventually gave up because I knew inside that isn't how it works unfortunately

I decided to go out for a bit since laying inside you room depressed and isolated from the world maybe isn't the right path to choose and who knows maybe I can find something to keep away the thoughts of Layla

I walked around the city without having any special place to go After walking for a bit I ended up in front of a park I decided to go in

The park was so quiet and peaceful that you could hear the birds songs clearly there wasn't a lot of people today which was quiet nice actually probably most of the people are still at work or at home with their families living their life happily and cheerful....

Oh god...I sound SO DEPRESSED....stop it Mari get your shit together

I kept on walking but stopped when I spotted a bench I sat down and relaxed for a bit while looking around enjoying the beautiful nature that is surrounding me

While looking around I realized which park this was by spotting a special part of the park it was there is had fallen over the rock on my way to Layla's party where I for the first time meet Taehyung

Actually back then I had a little crush on him when I looked into his beautiful dark brown eyes there was staring right into mine at that time

I already tried back then to ignore the crush and it worked so I figured it wasn't really a crush but that soon change when that episode with Layla and the cafe happen it made me realized how much I've fallen for Taehyung and that I couldn't hide the truth from myself anymore

All of this happen because of Both me and Layla's feelings for Taehyung but do I blame him not at all it's not his fault that we're stupid girls that can't deal with it

He hasn't done anything but being himself a crazy lovable alien

No the one who ruined all of this I definitely Layla with her jealousy which I still quit get how that Happen but that it's the past now or at least for me now it is

I continued to walk around the park but as I was walking I felt a raindrop landing on my cheek I wiped it away but soon after that it didn't mattered as it began to pour down

Everyone at the park packed their things up quickly and ran out of the park to find a cafe or something to provide themselves from getting soaked by the rain

I was now the only one at the park did I care about the rain not at all I couldn't care less about that

Without even caring I continue to walk while playing a little with the rain because I am I little childish my hair and clothes where all wet from the rain

The rain didn't give a sign it would stop anytime soon which was okay since I didn't really mind it

As I walked I found a little bridge with a little lake underneath it all around the lake was flowers and plants the water was clear and the stream was a little strong but relaxing to look at small fish was also swimming around it was beautiful it looked like something from a movie

I found myself smiling at the beautiful view

But again my smile slowly faded away I felt pathetic as I began crying over Layla and I but what can I do she was my best friend for so many years and now it's all gone all the memories and the future plans we had everything disappeared that moment

While leaning against the fence of the bridge in my own thoughts I realized that even though it was still raining it wasn't hitting me anymore something is stopping it from landing on me

I turned my head to the side curious what or who had done this while looking my eyes instantly grew when I saw the person I wasn't expecting to stand right next to me


Okay guys the next chapter will be the end T^T but I did truly enjoy writing this and I know I'm still not the best writer but at least I'm still trying to get better

Since this fanfiction is actually a birthday gift for my best friend I will be updating the last chapter on her birthday June 10 so that isn't such a long time to wait I hope

thanks everyone who's reading my fanfiction and even though not a lot of people is reading I still appreciate that just someone is actually reading so thanks a lot ❤️❤️

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