Chapter 2

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After Layla spotted me amongst the other she almost ran over to me as she ended pretty quickly up right in front of me and was of course wondering why I was late

Layla: Mari why are you so late you promised me to be here early ?

Me: sorry Layla I was running trough the park to get to your house but I then tripped over a rock and then Tae-

I was quickly cut off by Layla suddenly screaming and jumping as she saw Taehyung who was standing besides me

Then without thinking twice she ran over to him and attacked him with a big hug that almost made him fall as he didn't expected the suddenly hug attack from Layla


Tae: yea you Invited me after all and we're friends

They began talking together so I decided to leave them since Layla obviously was happy that he was here

I tried to tell her that I was gonna go find some other of my friends that I knew would also be here tonight but of course she didn't hear me since she was too focused on talking and listening to Taehyung

So I then just decided on going without trying to get her attention anymore

as I walked away from them I quickly spotted my other friends at the couch and began talking with them for a bit

But after an hour or two being at the party and talking to my friends with no sight of either Layla and Taehyung I decided to go outside in the garden to get some fresh air from the loud music

As I walked outside I spotted some swings near the fence I then sat down on the swings and began moving back and forth with me legs

It was dark outside but the moon and stars helped lighten up the garden a little bit but enough to see everything

It was peaceful even though you could clearly still hear the loud music playing inside the house and people screaming and singing along to their favorite numbers 

soon after a few minutes the door open up to the garden and a person walked outside which I quickly recognized

Taehyung quickly spotted me as well over at the swings and then soon joined me as he sat down besides me

He asked me curious why I was sitting out here alone

I then explained to him that I wanted some fresh air and maybe get away from all the people in the house after answering his questions I asked him the same

He told me that he also wanted some fresh air for mostly the same reason as me but also because he wanted to get a little away from Layla who he said was all over him tonight so much that he couldn't even be alone for more than 12 seconds

I knew that Layla was happy to see him and sometimes when she gets too excited she clue herself on to the person

And for someone that might seem a little too much but you get used to it soon after that

Me: she just missed you that's why she clues herself on to you so much right now I think it gets better after some days so she can calmed down from her excitement

Tae: I hope you are right because you know I like her as my friend but I also wanna have space to go talk to other people than just her

Me: yea I get what you mean

We continue talking with each other about some random stuff

I found out Taehyung was beginning at our school and also have the same classes as me which made me happy because then I could get to know him even more

But as we were talking Taehyung suddenly went silent which got me to wonder what was wrong

Tae: Mari.....?

Me: yea ..? I said still wondering what was on his mind

Tae: friends!? He asked looking right at me with puffy cheeks and hopeful eyes

I began smiling at his cute and childish actions is like being back in kindergarten asking people to be your friend

Mari: yes let's be friends I answered him back

After hearing my answer he began smiling from ear to ear happy that I wanted to be his friend

We then enchanted numbers so we could get easily in contact with each other in the near future when he gave my phone back after tasting in his number I saw he had put the alien smiley after his name

Well I guess you could call him a little alien 👽

My thoughts about Taehyung alien smiley quickly got trashed when the garden door once again opened but this time it was Layla who was walking out of the door

We both looked at the direction she was standing after spotting us in the dark she walked over in our direction

Layla: hey guys.. what are you doing out here?

Me: well I just came out hear to get some fresh air and then Taehyung joined for the same reason

Layla: ahhhh...okay.. " she gave us a small smile"

Taehyung: but Layla what are you doing out here?

Layla: Oh I notice you both were gone so I decided to search for you

Taehyung: well here we are you found us "Taehyung began chuckling"

Layla: haha yea

Me: well shall we go back inside and join the party so celebrate our good friend Layla

I asked them while standing up from the swing Taehyung got up from the swing as well we then walked in to join the party again

We had fun the rest of the night everyone was drinking besides me it's not like I hate drinking I just don't feel the needs to drink tonight besides I can have as much fun without drinking anyway

But Taehyung & My poor Layla who wasn't use to drink so much got so drunk after challenging Taehyung to a drinking duel who would first finish up all their shots would win the duel

Which she of course lost because Taehyung had them skills

Soon the party came to an end and after saying goodbye to all of her guest Layla passed out on the couch

And soon after me and Taehyung also left her house to walk home
Taehyung followed me home since we found out that he actually didn't live that far away from me

As we where walking home we began talking

Tae: so Mari did you have fun today ?

Me: yea I did I don't normally go to parties but this time was quiet fun tbh :)

Tae: well that's good to hear :)

Me: Taehyung ??

Tae: yea....?

Me: how don't you seem drunk because I'm pretty sure you drank just as much as Layla but you seem a lot sober than her ?

Tae: oh hahaha that... well you can say that my friends is the reason for that they always drags me to parties and drink together

Me: hehehe great friend

Tae: I know right !

We both began laughing and soon we reached my house and said out goodbyes

then Taehyung walked off
I know I just meet Taehyung today but I already feel like we have known each other my whole life

Thanks goodness it is Friday or else me and layla I would have been dead tired tomorrow if we had school !

To be continued

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