Chapter 7

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Taehyung's POV

Tae: Layla I am sorry...i can't return your feelings

Layla: what? Why Taehyung

Tae: I'm sorry my heart belongs to someone else

Layla: who!

I stood silent for a moment I didn't know if I should tell her it or not

Layla: Taehyung at least tell me who it is !

Tae: "sigh" its...Mari

Layla: your heart belongs to MARI!

Tae: yea ever since the first day I met her at the park when I catches caught her from falling I instantly felt for her
I guess you call it love at first sight huh.."smiles"
I just don't know how to tell her...............
But believe me Layla I am truly sorry and hope you find someone that deserves your love more than me and can return your feeling

Without even wanted to hear more Layla pushes me aside and walked out of the door looking really angry

I'm sorry Layla .....

Your POV

I was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall as I was waiting for Layla to return
Suddenly I saw her coming towards me in a hurry while looking really mad which clearly told that it didn't go as she planned

I got up from the floor wondering what will happen next

Mari: what happen layla...


Mari: wait what....what have I done?

Layla: you ruined everything

Mari: I don't understand what did i do ?

Layla: you ruined me and Taehyung's future relationship

Mari: huh?! How!?

Layla: by being you I should never had invited you for my birthday party

Mari: that doesn't even make any sense ....?

Layla: it doesn't matter I hate you Mari!!!

Mari: Layla what had happen to you

Layla: you know what Mari you the worst friend ever We not friends anymore !...

Mari: you are throwing 5 years friendship out because Taehyung didn't except your love and feelings towards him and now you blaming it all on me when I haven't even done anything besides thinking about your feelings

Layla: what do you mean about thinking about my feelings you couldn't care less about me

Mari: you sure I'm not the one who should say that

Layla: what do you mean

Mari: Layla I like Taehyung too but I tried to hide and throw my feelings away so you could have him and be happy and now you blaming it all on me when I haven't done a single thing to be in the spotlight and ruin your so called moments with him

Layla: you like Taehyung ?

Mari: yea wow huge surprise huh?
And btw if someone haven't been a friends these last days it's YOU!

Layla: how have I been.... I cut her off

Mari you have did nothing else but push me away from both of you

Layla: yea so I could get closer to him

Mari: Layla have you ever heard the word communication because you could just have asked me to step aside than pushing me away from my seat almost making me fall or trip seriously why didn't you just tell me

Layla: I...I don't know

Mari: I've also heard you been talking shit about me behind my back spreading awful rumors

Layla: no I've would never

Mari: quit it Layla I can clearly see your lying whenever your lying you bit you lower lip

Layla: okay I was jealous

Mari: you are so unbelievable Layla how can you call yourself a friend

Layla: but Mari....

Mari: Layla lets end it here our friendship is dead and will never return as it was before I don't want to look at you from now on and I don't want you in my life anymore

Layla: Mari...

Mari: you know what don't talk to me ever again don't call don't text me stay out of my life and I will stay out of yours Have a great life Layla because I won't be apart of it anymore bye

I walked away from the girl who once have been my best friends for 5 years but now it's a stranger to me I don't wanna look at

I didn't take a single look while walking away from her even though she yelled my name a couple of times

Tears began escaping my eyes and slowly rolled down my cheeks I began running away I wanted to get as far away as I could from her right now

So I kept running as fast as I could

To be continued


Omg guys I'm sorry I totally forgot to update yesterday as promise but I was so focused on the BBMA & BTS that I totally forgot my promise ( sorry )

But I'm so proud of BTS & ARMY for making BTS win the top social artist award because they clearly deserved it so much they worked so hard to get where they are now

Strong power thank you



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