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   She looked at the broken girl and realized no one take notice to the damage of this kindred spirit. No one saw the pain she carried in her soul. She heard love helps you become a stronger person. However the girl, she's seeing for herself the damage it's doing to her identity, to her scarred soul. What is this torturous emotion that everyone seem to out up in a pedestal and worship it so? 

  It confused the one with the broken, bleeding wings as to why humans worship the very emotion that hurts them. She sees for herself as the girl would wait and wait to see if he's remember her. She sees the girl cry at night as the pain that crushes her heart increase. In the day she smiles or she moves without pain but without failure, every night, she's watched the tiny human girl cry out to the higher beings to take her home, to take her with them. 

  It confuses her, just how humans are able to open their hearts over and over again to only be demolished by their fellow beings. Why did God make these beautiful creature with a glass heart? For once a glass is broken, it is never the same again. She's seen the emotions of the world, human beings need to hurt and brutally wound each other but she never understood why they play emotionally games with each other. For she knows without fault that emotional pain is far worse than any physical pain one could bear.

  It amazes her how everyone seem to think they know this little flower yet they are all oblivious to the storm and destruction that resides within her mind and soul. My My, people are all filled with empty words and promises, she knew this was the nature of man. Yet it still baffled her how arrogant they could be.

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