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I woke up to sounds of yelling outside and panic.

Jimin was still sleeping.

I kept the blanket wrapped around myself and got up to leave the room.

"What's happening out here?" I mumbled still half asleep.

"How many people are you going to sleep with?" Yoongi growled.

"None. I was sleeping in Tae Oppa's bed while he was sleeping with Hoseok Oppa."

"Jimin is in there too, isn't he?" Jungkook moved towards me.

"Well yeah, but-"

"But what." Jimin said sleepily. "She didn't want to sleep in my bed, instead she slept in Tae's now go to sleep, all of you are too loud. We get ready in two hours."

I plopped myself down on the couch feeling Jeongguk and Yoongi's eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, do you want to go back to sleep? You can sleep in my room." Jeongguk asked ruffling his hair.

Without a word Yoongi picked me up and walked into his room.

I looked up at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Doing what you did for me last night." He mumbled.

He gently put me down on the bed unwraping the blanket from my body.

"It's cold!" I squirmed.

He pulled both his blanket and the one from Taehyung's bed over me then sliding under the covers beside me.

"Go to sleep, I'm not going to leave or do you want me to." He wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't mind." I mumbled falling asleep again.

Yoongi's PoV


The maknae had woken me up by dragging me out of my room.

"What is it." I mumbled still half asleep.

"How could you treat her like that? Just pushing her onto the bed like that?" He growled at me.

"Whatever, you have her in your arms already."

"Didn't you see her sweater? Her bow?" He pointed towards his room.

"No, I haven't, now leave me alone." I sighed.

"She likes you! Can't you see?" He shook me.

"No I don't see! She has your jersey, not mine!" I raised my voice.


I enjoyed watching her videos as well.

It was just that I never asked Namjoon to translate.

I typed in Korean Subs instead.

I could hear Namjoon translate to the Maknae sometimes so I watched with him.

Taehyung was obsessed with Friday for quite a while and got over it, well, he might not be over it, yet.


I lay beside her while she slept.

She would snuggle into me at times unconsciously.

Her little snores don't bother me, I find her cute.

"Yoongi." She said in a sweet voice.

"Yeah?" I answered back without thinking.

"Go to sleep." She mumbled, her head tilting downwards.

Rainy Wednesdays (BTS) ~ E D I T I N G ~Where stories live. Discover now