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wait to start the song!

Josh was having yet another bad day, his 8th in a row probably. The kind of bad day that just proves to be the straw to break the camel's back. The one that really puts in perspective how much your life sucks.

He'd only had three hours of sleep because he had been made to close at Guitar Centre, so by the time he got home he had expected to be able to just fall straight to sleep. As he pushed his key into the lock of his front door, he remembered that he completely forgot to finish his history paper, so resigned himself to staying up to finish it.

When he got in, he found his two youngest siblings still wide awake, watching The Ring. Josh ran into the room, and quickly turned off the TV.

"What are you doing?" He said angrily, flinching when Abby burst into tears. Jordan cowered beside her, the two of them obviously scared shitless by the movie. Josh wasn't surprised that an R-rated horror movie had terrified the 8 and 11 year olds.

Gently Josh approached his siblings, scooping Abbie into his arms and hugging her. He soothed her as best as he could, looking at Jordan in a way that said "start talking."

"A-Ashley said to just w-wait for her to tell us w-when we could go upstairs." He said worried and Josh just nodded and continued to sooth his sister.

"She in her room?" Josh asked, tired and pissed off.

Jordan nodded and opened his arms as Josh placed Abigail in his grip. He told them he'd be back in a minute.

start the song: 

House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance.

Taking a deep breath Josh bounded up at the stairs, immediately barging into Ashley's room. His sister squeaked and tried to push the naked boy off of her so she could cover herself with the bed sheets.

"Leave." Josh said staring at the panicked boy on his floor. "GET OUT." He shouted causing the boy to scramble for his clothes and re-dress.

"Josh don't be an asshole." Ashley shouted from her bed. "We were just-"

"Don't even start with me right now." Josh snapped. "You're fifteen Ashley." He said disgusted, he looked at the boy frantically dressing. "You have five seconds to get out of my house." Josh seethed and the guy tried to apologise but Ashley gave him a look so he simply fled out the room and down the stairs.

Ashley looked at her older brother angrily. "What so it's okay for you and Tyler to mess around?" She said, and Josh whipped his head around to look at her, she shrunk back into the bed a bit.

"Firstly, I'm 17 it's not illegal. Secondly, we haven't e-even..." he trailed off. "Plus I would never neglect Abs and Jordan for something so trivial." He spat.

Ashley scoffed. "They're fine, they love when I let them stay up late!" She replied but Josh just shook his head and headed out.

"I'm sure they love being scared shitless by R-rated horror movies that someone left playing on the TV. Go to fucking bed Ashley, you're so lucky mom's on the night shift, I can't imagine what she would've done to you if she'd walked in not me."

Josh walked out before she could retort, shutting her door and heading back downstairs. He took another hour to get his siblings to bed, having to check for monsters four times, finding Jordan a nightlight from under his bed that put stars onto the ceiling, then assuring him that it didn't make him a loser because he needed a night light. Abigail needed coddling for the whole time, shadowing Josh as he sorted out stuff for his two siblings, Josh told her stories and lay with her until she could sleep.

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