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Tada. I'm back bitches. Better beware, my nerdiness™ has only increased and I am very very ready to supply all the fluff and plot and the jokes.

And the Stucky. Oh boy do I love me the Stucky.

And Tony Stark. He's...he's just so precious?? I love him.

And don't even get me started on Dick Grayson i love that boy to pieces oh my god,, and im a very strong advocate for more support in the Romani!Robin corner.

Bless his lil gypsy heart he's about to get absolutely tugged around by these fandoms. Pray for dickie bird y'all he's gonna need it.

Without too much further ado, I present to you::

Chapter One!!

"-we deserve better than this." Roy glares heavily at the three of them, and something very very rotten twists in Dick's chest. And suddenly he's standing up faster than he can control himself, and there's a very heavy, molasses-thick kind of silence in which everyone in the room stares at him. Batman's glare is steady and expectant, and Dick knows that this is the moment where he's expected to raise his hackles and defend the Justice League til his last breath.

But the look Roy gives him is just so...familiar, not in the way that Roy sports that sort of frantic desperation for validation - no, he's too edgy for that - but more along the lines of Dick recognising himself in Roy.

"You're right." Dick says quietly. For all the softness it was said with, from the look everyone's giving him he might as well have just declared intergalactic war. "We do. We do deserve better than this." Roy's mouth twitches in something akin to relief, something a little smug to the twist of his lips, and Dick recalls the many arguments they'd had about Batman and Bruce Wayne and why they were both assholes to Dick Grayson and Robin. Roy'd been passionate that Dick needed to rebel, set part of the house on fire - or better yet, the Batcave - but Dick had never put much faith in Roy's opinion of Bruce. He'd hated having his relationship ('What relationship?! He treats you like you're a Batarang, Dick, if you broke he'd throw you away and find a better one-') picked apart by anyone, but especially by Roy who'd thought that holding back or sugar coating would hurt him more. He was reflecting at least half of Ollie's behaviour onto Bruce, anyway, so it used to be okay to listen through.

But now? Dick thought they'd been making progress. That they'd built up an equal level of trust. That he was finally being seen as less and less of a soldier, and more like a partner and...a son.

"Rob?" Wally whispers, very confused with the goings on, and relying on Dick to fill him in. But Dick just stares at Batman, dares him with his eyes to speak up and put a stop to both of them. If he doesn't say a thing, Dick is turning around and he will not be coming back. He should have listened to Roy sooner. They should have done this sooner.

But Batman's expression doesn't falter. Maybe this is some kind of test to him, and Dick is supposed to use his knowledge in psychology to reel Roy in and have them both sitting at the feet of their respective 'mentors' again like good little sidekicks.

So Dick says nothing. He walks up to Roy, grabs his hand tightly, like he used to do when he was just a freaky dumb orphan kid and Roy was his coolest, nicest, bestest friend in the whole world, and nothing could ever hurt him when he was with Roy.

Roy's hand squeezes back so tightly in relief it's like he's splitting all the weight he'd piled on his shoulders onto Dick through their fingertips.

Nightwing, (accidental?) Agent of SHIELD. Where stories live. Discover now