Chapter 6

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"Enjoying yourself, Mrs Bolt"
"Eh... yes l..l am, thank you very much."
Shal managed to answer Damon when he finally got to her. She narrowed her eyes at him when she saw the amusement in his eyes. He knew what he was doing to her.

She was relieved when one of his investors stopped him but now he was free of them. The way he looked at her made her feel all hot and bothered.

Damon led her to the dance floor and pulled her close to his body. She felt as if she had butterflies in her stomach.
"You look very beautiful today, wife"
He breathed into her ears. She could not reply as she was breathless due to how close he was to her.

After the dance, he pulled her off the dance floor. He wanted to take her to a private place so that they could be alone. Shal was so engrossed in him. She couldn't control how she felt with him close to her.

"If you guys don't mind, we can finish up the legal aspect of your marriage now"
Shal nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to see Ben waiting for their reply. She didn't know when he got so close to them. Damon looked pissed off at being interrupted.

"Yes, now is a good time to do so." Shal replied before Damon could say anything.
Ben led them to a vacant room in the building. They sat down. Ben brought out some papers from his briefcase and gave it to her to read through them.

Shal found out that in addition to the money for her sister's operation and hospital bills, Damon also made a monthly allowance available to her. 

She asked Damon to cancel that term but he refused.
"I don't want this. The money for my sister's operation is all l wanted from you."
"As my wife, you are entitled to this and more . Accept this, I want to give it to you."

After a few minutes of argument between them, Shal finally gave in as he didn't want to change his mind. She signed on the appropriate margins and gave it to Damon. He signed and gave it back to Ben, who put down his signature as their witness.

"All done. Accept my congratulations once again."
"Thank you, Ben." Damon replied.
They walked out of the room. Ben left them and they walked to the room in which the reception was taking place. Some of their guests were already leaving.
Damon turned to her
"Soon, we will be alone and we will...."

"Darling, so this is true. You couldn't have waited for me, is that it? "
Damon turned to see who had interrupted him. He was furious when he saw who it was.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked Caroline.

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