Chapter Twenty Four

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"...Well, when are you free next?" She asked, with a gentle smirk towards Ymir.

Ymir blushed lightly, but kept her cool, "Just about every day now that the show is over."

" Wednesday be a good day then?"

"Of course. Where would you want to go?" Ymir leaned her elbow on the table smiling softly.

"It doesn't matter to me." Krista said after a moment or two of thought, "Do you have any place you'd want to go to?"

"Well, park is always a nice choice. Going out to eat is the good classic choice." Ymir started to list things off, "Bowling, or we could do all of it in one day."

"Oooh, we should do all of it! That would be fun!" Krista clasped her hands together.

"Then we're doing all of it!" Ymir declared with a smile. "I'll make it the best date you've ever been on. I promise."

Krista giggled, "Alright, I'm holding you to that promise."

Ymir pulled her close with her arm in a brief hug, "Good. You have full permission to ditch me if it doesn't live up to your expectations."

The small blonde gently rolled her eyes and smiled gently at her girlfriend.

Ymir smiled back, "You're gorgeous." She spoke softly.

Krista blushed brightly, glancing back at Ymir with a few giggles. She then placed her head on Ymir's shoulder. "I love you."

Meanwhile, once again, on the other side of the room, Reiner began ordering: "I'll take two slices of pizza, a cheeseburger, fries, and a mountain dew."  He told the waitress when she stopped at their table.

The waitress wrote down Reiner's order on her little notepad, nodding. She then turned to Bertholdt as if she say 'what about you?'

The tall male glanced up at the waitress, but not before looking to Annie. They had in fact decided to share food together. "We're um...sharing a check." Bertholdt said shyly, with a little blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Alright, so what will you have?" The waitress said, holding up her pen and notepad at the ready.

"O-Oh, um..." He glanced back down at the menu once again. "We'll have a small pie...a-and a basket of fries and two waters please."

The waitress wrote it down. "Want a lemon for those waters?"

"No thank you." Annie turned down the offer politely as she shut her menu and passed it towards the front.

"Alright." The waitress finished writing the order down and held out her hand to receive the menus

Reiner passed the menus to the waitress with a grin. "Thank you." He said with a small wink.

The waitress blinked a bit in surprise, a light blush appeared on her tanned face. "No problem." She responded as she walked away with the menus.

Reiner grinned at his friends, "At least one girl is into me." He chuckled lightly,

Annie rolled her eyes at the blond, crossing her arms. Bertholdt's eyes went from one side to another, not really sure how to answer his best friend.

"Oh, come on you guys." Reiner said slightly sarcastically, "Don't everybody talk all at once."

Annie sighed, "You know, I'd tell you how I really feel Reiner, but I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case." She gently smirked.

Bertholdt's eyes widened. "A-Annie!"

Reiner put his hand on his chest like an offended mother, "Excuse you?"

Attack on Romeo and JulietDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora