Chapter Nine

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Mike entered the theater his arms full of costumes, "Eren, I fixed your neck ruffles. You need to wear them for the tech rehearsals. Annie, your dress is done. Ymir, your pants are hemmed and Reiner I let yours out." He spoke as he walked through handing everyone pieces.

Annie took her costume with a thankful nod and excused herself to go change. Reiner nodded thankfully and Ymir without embarrassment had begun to strip down and put on her costume in the back of the theater.

"Marco, here you go. Krista, this is your first dress, and there's a special rack in the hall for the rest of your costumes." Mike continued.

"Thank you Mister Mike!" Marco politely said, taking his costume from Mike

"Yes thank you Mister Mike!" Krista held the dress close to her. "It's absolutely beautiful!"

Mike offered a small smile to the two, "Now it's just a matter of getting Levi into his costume. Erwin has been wearing his for a week..."

"What does Mister Levi's costume look like?" Krista asked, curiously.

"... Puffy." Mike giggled softly to himself.


Meanwhile, while all of that was going on, Annie finally  found a room to change. It was the chorus room, thankfully it was open and she was able to enter it. Unfortunately, due to Annie thinking about all the things to do during the tech rehearsals, she had forgotten to lock the door. She held the dress out in front of her, examining it with her crystal blue eyes. The dress was a long-sleeved grey gown with an off-white apron on the front. On the sleeves were little white cuffs near the end. The fabric felt soft upon Annie's fingertips. It didn't take long for the blonde to put it on. In a moment, she began to walk around the room, having to pick up the front to walk so she didn't trip. 

"You know," She said to herself, "Mister Mike did a pretty good job with this." 

After a moment of feeling the fabric once again, this gave Annie an idea. She begun to spin around in circles, watching as the grey fabric twirled like a top. Her eyes widdened, it almost felt like she was in a ballgown. She would never admit it to anyone, but she secretly adored fancy dresses. "Weeee," She said softly in her monotone voice.

"That is the most excited I ever think I've seen you."

Annie stopped in her tracks and whipped her head around to see Reiner standing in the doorway. He probably was looking for a place to change. Her eyes narrowed angrily. "If you so much as tell ONE person about this, I'll kill you."

Reiner laughed lightly. "Yeah, okay. Even if I told anyone they wouldn't believe me, but please. Continue your twirl. I'll wait."

Annie rolled her eyes, but her face showed a bit of thankfulness. Even if she thought Reiner could be a jerk sometimes, he still was her friend. She knew he wouldn't go around telling people; if he did, she would knock him out faster than the blink of an eye. The girl shook her head. "I'm just about done actually." She picked up her clothes and turned to face Reiner again, "The room is yours. Go nuts." With that, Annie made her way out the door.

 "I don't know what would be wilder than twirling." He teased walking past her and laying out his clothes on a chair.

Having heard that final comment, Annie stopped in front of the door frame and slowly glanced over her shoulder. Rolling her eyes once again, she began to make her way back to the theater. Reiner laughed lightly as she left and changed into his costume.

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