Chapter Ninteteen

Start from the beginning

"Me?" David asked, a bit surprised. "Why's that?"

"Well, you asked me out that day, remember?" I reminded him. "I wanted to see if you'd called or something, and I left the phone on the table away from my reach. I reached over for it, but I realized I still had the knife. I turned around..." my heart pounded with every word, emotions and painful memories clouding my mind. "...I turned around but then, the table was too far, and I... I slipped."

"Avaley, I'm so sorry," David said, leaning in towards me and giving me a one arm embrace. He pulled back. "Can you tell me what else happened?"

"Nothing," I replied immediately. "I mean, I don't remember everything."

He nodded. "Okay, and then when you woke up, you know, from being dead, what happened?"

"My parents were there, and Tamara and Shayline. Sean was there too and they were all talking about how I was gone for a second." I explained, trying to remember the events of that night. I really should start keeping a diary or a journal to jot things down or something. "But... There was this one person... I don't remember who, but I remember something about that voice..." I connected it to that beautiful woman I saw at the hospital. "That's all I remember from that night."

"And then when did all these... Powers, weird things... start happening?"

"Shayline and Tamara came over one day," I told him. "They brought me presents, and before I knew it I could see through the box. I was terrified. It wasn't long after that when I destroyed the light pole and then my other powers just kicked in."

David nodded, like he was a counselor who understood my every word. "You've been through a lot, Avaley."

''Now can you just tell me what's happening to me?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear. What if I was dying or something? What if something was gravely wrong with me, and I was a freak, an outcast, and no one would want me anymore?

"I will Avaley," David said, soothing me with a pat on my shoulder. 

My mouth felt sore and dry from all this talking, and I grabbed my waterbottle from my night stand, without using my hands. David watched in awe as it flew to my hand and I gulped a few gulps down. "You're good," he said, impressed.

"The Force comes in handy," I said, screwing the lid back on.

David burst out laughing. "The Force?" he laughed. "Is that what you call it?"

"Well, maybe if I knew what was wrong with me, I'd call it something else!" I shot back.

His face softened. "Avaley, you talk about this as if it's a disease. You think something is wrong with you?"

My ego shrunk a bit. "Well, I... I mean, it's just..." I scratched at my head awkwardly. "I'm just really scared. I don't know what's... Uh... Happening to me."

David gave me a small smile. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm with you as well."

"You are?" I said, excited, then mentally slapped my face. No derp, right? He had the same powers as me, I think. I mean, I had seen him use the Force, or whatever it was called. "Do you... Do those other things too?"

He nodded. "Every single bit." he closed his eyes and then stared at my backpack, next to my closet. "In your front pocket there, you have three highliters - all of which orange, blue and green." he looked back at me, satisfied. "See?"

"So you can see through things, too," I said. I grabbed a stapler off of my desk and tossed it to him. "Break it," I commanded.

He did a double take. "You want me to break your stapler? But what about - "

"David, are you going to do it or not?" I asked, a bit forcefully.

He sighed, and then, using both hands, split the stapler down the middle. 

"Thanks," I said. "I actually needed that."

"Wha - " he started but then saw my laughing expression and he laughed, too. When we calmed down, he said, "So I've proven myself worthy to you that I am just like you?"

I nodded. "Just about."

"Good." he smiled and stood up. "But I just need to see something."

"What?" I asked, excitedly.

He went over to my window and opened the curtains, the afternoon sunlight streaming in on his handsome features. He opened the window and the air flew in, along with a small breeze and plenty of sun. It was a beautiful day.

"You wanted to see the sky?" I asked, walking over next to him and staring out the window.

"No," he said. "I just wanted to see if you can fly."

And with that, he threw me out the window.

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