Letter 26 - Harry Or Stranger?

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Dear Harry,

12 days until I can leave. Twelve days and counting. It feels like ages since I’ve seen the outside, I’ve barely left my room. I don’t dare to in case I do something stupid, are you excited to see me Harry? I’m excited to see you. I wonder how you are Harry. I feel like I haven’t asked you enough since I’ve been in here. Have you actually responded to any of these letters? Are you going to be waiting for me when I come out Harry? Are you even there Harry?

I had a panic attack Harry. Writing that got me really worked up about you not being there for me Harry and I freaked out, I couldn’t control my breathing and the room starting spinning. I wish you were there to help me Harry. Jim had to, the new kid. I stumbled and hit my hip, I crushed my wrist as well. It’s hurting to write to you Harry but I’m going to carry on. There’s a bruise on my hip Harry, it’s looking rather blue. I cant believe I fell Harry. How stupid do I sound? Anyway, Jim reckons I broke my wrist. Not the one I’m writing with obviously, I just hurt that elbow. I’ve hurt my left wrist Harry, it’s fat and swollen and I cant move it. I’m not bothered though Harry, because I’ve got to write to you and let you know how I am. Have you ever had a panic attack Harry? It’s scary isn’t it. I even heard myself calling out your name. I was stupid to think you were there Harry, you’d never have to step foot in this place. Just me Harry, I let things get the better of me. I suck Harry. Yet I still love you Harry. I love you so much, something inside of me senses that you still love me too. That makes me smile Harry.

This letter doesn’t make much sense does it Harry? I went from twenty quick questions to a paragraph of me rambling on about being in pain and now this. Do you read all of my letters Harry or are they automatically binned when they arrive at your house? Do they even arrive at your house? Fascinating really, I have no idea where these go. Maybe a stranger is reading this, hello if you are. I’m Louis Tomlinson and I completely ruined my life. I drove myself insane and did some pretty stupid things like starving myself and cutting myself, and I ended up in a hospital to help me. This letter is supposed to be going to my boyfriend Harry, well I say boyfriend, I hope he still loves me. He hasn’t spoke to me since I got in here, maybe he’s moved on. I get to leave soon. Are you proud of me? You should be stranger, I’ve coped in this place.

I have to go, the doctor is here. Harry or stranger, thank you for reading this letter. Harry, I love you. Stranger, I wish I knew you.

Goodbye, Louis x x


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