Letter 8 - Broken

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Dear Harry,

I’m sad. Very sad. You didn’t come see me? I did my best for you so I could get visiting hours and you didn’t even show up. It makes me sad Harry, I’m scared you’ve found somebody else. Have you? Please tell me you haven’t, Liam thinks I’m overreacting but I’m scared. It’s making me depressed, I’m sorry Harry but I cut again. Something got to me and I cut, the voices in my head, they told me you’d moved on because I ate. I had a sip of that calorie drink and you moved on, you don’t care about me anymore do you? My mum said you haven’t visited, that hurts Harry. I asked you to see my sisters, can I trust you. Or do you ignore my letters?


I’m sorry for being a let down, a horrible boyfriend, a mistake. I’m sorry that I was so weak and got myself put into this horrible place, I’m sorry I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about you. I’m sorry I turned to cutting and not eating. I’m sorry I left you behind all alone. Most of all I’m sorry for making you fall in love with me, I bet you regret everything. I don’t, I love you Harry and I’m breaking inside. I just want you back, I need some sort of sign from you to let me know you still think about me and that you still want me. I need to know you still love me, because without that I’m nothing. Without you I’m nothing. I’m torn Harry, I’m broken. Very broken. My mum thinks I’m improving but I don’t think I am, I need your touch and reassurance to make me better. I’ve spoilt my chances of seeing you this week and I’ll punish myself for that, but please, do something to let me know I still mean something to you. Please?

Louis x.

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