Letter 24 - Liam and Niall

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Dear Harry,

My mood can't any better. You remember Liam right? The guy that helped me get through this whole thing, well he came to visit me. I wasn't expecting him too but he organised it with the counsellors and there he was! Even better, he brought Niall. I'd never met Niall, I'd heard thousands of stories about him though, Liam described them with so much detail it felt like I was there watching it all happen. Liam looked so much better than he did when he was in this place, he'd had a hair cut, it's a different quiff sort of thing. He'd gotten a few tattoos and he looked so much more happy, especially when he first entered. His face lit up when he saw me and he engulfed me in a hug, it was amazing. He looked a lot healthier too, he'd fixed his eating problem and was just all around a better person.

He introduced me to Niall and he's a really cool guy, he's just as Liam described him. Blonde/brown hair and bright blue eyes, and a perfect set of teeth as he's not long had his braces off. They looked adorable together when they walked in, the way they acted with each other was like me and you. You can tell they were made for each other. We sat and spoke about how Niall felt about Liam being put in this unit and it was quite upsetting but it felt good to talk about it, we all needed to get things off our chest. He explained that he got really lonely without Liam but did different things to occupy himself, he travelled to Derby a lot to watch them play with his friends. He volunteered to help out at his local school's football club and lead them to victory, he just filled his time with activities so his mind wasn't always stuck on Liam. He said that if he ever moped around because of Liam his mum would distract him, but there were the odd days where he locked himself away because he felt so alone. I dreaded the thought of that happening to you, the feeling of being alone is awful. I've suffered with it a lot, but remember I'm always here.

Liam explained what it felt like to get out, he said at first he was really scared that everything was going to have changed and his whole life would be different. He was scared people were going to treat him differently because he'd suffered with mental problems, he felt exactly how I do now. However he said when he got out his family were there to meet him, first of all they were a little cautious of things but he sat and spoke to them and cleared things up. He spent a few days getting back to his normal daily routine before he spent a week visiting his family, they threw a party for him because he was better and he couldn't have been happening. He then visited his college friends and decided that he was going to go to UNI and learn to be a teacher, something he had always wanted to do. He's got his life back on track and Niall was so proud of him, I cant wait until I'm out and we're reunited.

It's going to be amazing, we'll finally be spending time together again and hopefully doing all the things we wanted to do before I came in here. Liam told me that at first we might struggle but we will get through it, especially if we have a bond like there's. I know my mum will definitely want to help, speaking of my mum. I've got great news! SHE'S JUST HAD TWINS! They were keeping it a secret but Lottie told Liam and he told me, I've seen pictures and they're beautiful. I've finally got a little brother. He's adorable Harry, I cant wait for you to meet him. Anyway, back to the point. Mum will be by our side no matter what and all of my family will, they support me and you so much. Mum always tells me, she says that you're meant to be part of our family. All the girls love you and I'm sure the new babies will, you're perfect.

I'm just scared that there will be too much pressure on you to make everything perfect again, but I promise you Harry, you don't have to do anything. Yes of course you need to be there when I'm let out of here but it will be perfect just by you being there. There's no pressure to get my life back to how it was, it will take time but as long as you're by my side helping me through it I promise everything will be okay. If there's any pressure it will be on me, to make sure that I keep myself healthy. To make sure that I eat and overcome fears, that I stop cutting and possibly purging. They're all scary things for me now and yes I do get the urge to do it sometimes, but I fight it off because I want to make you proud Harry. I want to try my best to make you smile everyday, to make you proud of me because I've overcome the things that got in the way of us. I promise you Harry, I'm going to make you so proud. You've done so many things that have made me proud of you and even at the hardest of times you've tried to make me smile, so now it's my turn to say thank you.

I love and miss you lots, promise me you'll be waiting for me.

Louis x x x

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