Letter 7 - My Song For You

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Dear Harry,

I’ve kept my promise with Zayn and ive been really good for the past two days! Ive not self harmed and I joined in a little bit more with group activities, Liam even told me he thinks im improving. The only thing that isn’t going quite well is my eating… I cried at the dinner table and made myself look even weaker than I am, I managed to take a small sip of my calorie drink. I hope you’re proud, I did this for you. Speaking of you, GUESS WHAT? I have a visiting day in two days and they said I can pick who I want to come! Im going to ring my mum and get her and my sisters to come, and hopefully you. Please tell me you will come and see me? You might be the confidence boost I need. No, you ARE the confidence boost I need. I think about you every day and every night Harry, especially when I really want you by my side.

                I’ve got a secret to tell you, Liam and Zayn told me not to tell you yet but I want to. We’re writing a song! It’s about the people we love… I based it on you, liam based it on niall and we’re not sure on who Zayn based it on, he just said theyre amazing. But I cant perform it to you when you first visit because it wont be ready yet, sorry! But I’ll give you a little preview…

‘I know you’ve never loved

The sound of your voice on tape

You never want

To know how much you weigh

You still have to squeeze into your jeans

But you’re perfect to me’

I know it sounds a little bit odd, but you wear skinny jeans all the time, extremely skinny jeans so theyre a tight fit. I’m really happy at the moment Harry, so please come visit me. I’m not at my lowest yet!

Love Louis xxxxxxxx

Unsaid Words (A Larry Stylinson Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon