"Come on Louis."

"Come on Louis." He mimicked. I stuck my tongue out and ran outside.

"Hey! Wait up!: He chased after me and I stopped at the front step, jumping into a giant puddle and started running down the what seemed forever long driveway. Louis kept gripping his umbrella following me. I took this oppurtunity to splash him.

"HEY! I'm going to get you for that." I started to run but I was caught.

"I got you!" I dropped my umbrella and was picked up by Louis. My hood fell off and I kept laughing.

"Louis let go of me!" I kept hitting his back trying to get out of his grip.

"Bot till you say your sorry." He smirked since he knew that was never going to happen.

Never, you devil." My hair was pretty much soaked and I could see Anna watching us from the window in their room.

"You're going to pay for this you know?"

"Ohh I'm soo scared."

"You should be."Eventually, we both had to go inside because we were both soaked and Harry and Anna had to leave.

Anna POV;

From our room I was looking out the window and I saw Megan and Louis splashing in the puddles. At one point Megan started to splash Mr. Tomlinson and he started to chase after her. The both of them had dropped their umbrells. Louis had caught up to her, of coursse and grabbed her lifting her up. Harry came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"I still dont like the fact they are so close already she has been here less than ten days." I shook my head in disapprovement.

"Harry do not start this again." He cravassed his head in my neck.

"I know, I know she is eighteen and I respect her choices, I just don't like tha fact she is hanging out with him. But I guess that is since I am her big brother." He leaned in and kissed me then looked down at me still in my pajamas.

"Get dressed Anna." 

"Why?" He smirked.

"Get dressed we're going somewhere." I groaned and put on my RAMONES t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of boots. I walked out and Harry was wearing the same thing except he ad TIMBERLANDS on.

"Well come on!" He said rushing me.

"The day isn't waiting for you." I rolled my eyes yet again and started to walk over ot his car, which was his Audi R8 which he didn't use quite as often as his Range Rover but to himI'm something "special" that he always seemed to use it when I was with him. It had cleared up a bit when we got to a car lace?

"What the hell?" I questioned, he looked at me and laughed.

"I forgot to tell you I'm running a quick errand." I shook my head in disapproval; Harry did not, repeat, did NOT need another car.

"You don't need another one Harry."

"Who said it was for me in the first place?" He asked, I was lost.

"Then why are we here?"

"Because Megan was complaining about how I never actually got to teach her how to drive and besides I don't htink my apology was good enough, I think the bigger the better." I laughed.

"Shouldn't you teach her how to drive before you get her a car?" He laughed in response. 

"I am not teaching her how to drive in my car." I rolled my eyes.

"So you just randomly picked out a car for her?" He laughed again.

"Please we both know what car I am getting Megan, it's her favorite." I smirked a bit, ever since we were little Megan wanted a red 900 horse power convertible top Mustang GT.

"So your buying her a mustang?"

"Yeah, I just stopped here to know when it's coming in."

"You ORDERED a car?!"

"Yeah." He shrugged. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"You really are as crazy as your sister." He laughed and went to the main desk to check it out. When he came back he grabbed my hand.

"Come on, lets go."

"Where are we going now?" I whined, he just smirked. We got back in the car and drove for another two hours. By then the sun was setting. We got out of the car and we were at one of the lakes rocky area.

"Harry what are we doing?"

"Watching the sunset. What else?" He questioned me.

"The rocks are slippery though." He turned around and pointed to a boulder that was in the middle.

"Just follow me." He said taking about five steps then falling.

"FUCK THAT HURT!" He screamed and I giggled. He just stared at me.

"You think it's funny now. Let's see how far you can get without tripping or slipping." I took a step forward then another until I got to the boulder.

"You cheated!" Harry exclaimed, just about as shocked as I was that I made it here without slipping.

"No I didn't, I'm not your sister the clumsy one remember." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Whatever Anna." I climbers to the top of the boulder and Harry finally got off his lazy ass and joined me. He wrapped his arms around me as we watched the sunset. He turned to face me just as the sun reached the horizon.

"You know I'm sorry right? I didn't mean any of that." I smiled slightly.

"I know, but it is time you treat her like an adult and don't worry about who she dates, let her be."

"I know Anna, I know." He leaned in and kissed me just as the day sky became the night sky and the stars were out again. We got up and headed towards the car since we didn't want to hurt ourselves anymore if it got TOO dark. After slipping a total of ten times each we drove home. When we got there, we were greeted by Megan and Louis watching Dirty Danicng, with Louis' arm around her. I could see Harry's face and could tell he wanted to blow up.

"Haz, no." He calmed down and nodded. He clearly didn't know the movie but the puzzled look on his face.

"What are you watching?"

"Dirty Dancing." Megan mumbled as she ate another Oreo. Harry walked away, considering the name, he could be the star in it. We went upstairs and not long after we started to have a little more "fun."

Styles Sister (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now