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Matt's pov

I woke up and just laid there watching my Bella sleep. She looked so peaceful.
I heard movement in the living room and got up to investigate.
Silently walking down the stairs with my baseball bat in hand, I saw the figure. it was cloaked in all black and the hand I could see was deathly pale.

It seemed to sense my presence. in the next instant it was in my face and attached its mouth to my throat. it pulled away and I was finally able to get a look at her. she had blonde hair and red eyes with a sick smile on her face.
"You will make a good member of the Volturi guard and when your wife gives birth she and your child shall join us." she said with a evil smirk before punching me in the face.

I lost conscious.

Alice's pov

I slipped into a vision an it caused me to drop the vase I was moving.


Bella was on the floor in tears. Her husband had been killed and the Volturi had been the ones to do it.

Suddenly she stood up and put her hand over her stomach and said with grim determination "we will see your father again"

-end if vision-

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