A world of wonderful.

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# A world of wonderful. 

My life is a series of revolving doors that with each turn comes a new beginning. New opportunities jump from the unwritten script which has become my reality.   Throughout my near 17 years, I have faced many road blockswith few checkpoints along the way.  They act as a puzzle, having to solve a peice of yourself before the silver gates open pushing you towards your next battle; Fighting your way through to come to the conclusion of who you are, and who you want to be. NOT to become the spitting image of perfection that  people have always expected of you.  The next barrier nears but time and time again the door fails to open.  So here you have a choice, you can stay where you are and long for the days where the sun would shine through the window and fill your innocent eyes with the beauty of the world. While you dream of escaping from the stone walls and adventuring beyond the bars which hold you prisoner. Also giving up on discovering the treasure that lies at the end of your quest. OR.  You could lift yourself up holding your head high and turn to face the challenge that has stunted your progress. Try  again. Try again. And never stop trying even passed the point where you have tried so hard you can't possibly see success in your future.   Because you will succeed.

As kids, we were all called names, even my dreams faced the ridicule of adults who were posessed by the idea that they knew everything.  They were called impossible, foolish, unrealistic. And it seemed as though with every step closer to my goals the distance between them only grew larger.  Fighting against the currents of the status quo, and normality only strengthened my hopes of one yda achieving that which I was told was not possible.  So I can stand in front of them and say "you have to believe in yourself to have a chance to overcome the 'un' conquerable mountains which are boulders blocking your path with no way around or under. You have to go over."

As I saunter towards the next barrier I take a deep breath.  With each breath,  I relax as I enhale the experiences that I have endured, and exhale my worries, my fears and that which prevent me from moving forward.  I am refreshed.  And although I am still young, naive and have much left to learn I think to myself; welcome to a world of wonderful.

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