Start from the beginning

All of the destined archangels praises the Almighty God-Creator seating on his grandest throne within the pyramid of breathing light. They bring their right hand to their respective breast in cadence, up to their temple and raises up high. They flap their individual six spanning wings and fly into their destined places below the stairs leading to the holy throne of AMA RA.

Because of his creation, heaven Ciello Emperio was created.Here, AMA RA gave his facultad or the free will. [§ezek 28: 13-14 and §apoc 21: 14-21]

Meanwhile Brave got his shape, but the features remain the same together with the other creatures. This heaven Ciello Emperio becomes the habitat of many heavenly beings that going to and fro such as SERAFINES, a most beautiful woman-like figure that wears long shimmering silver hair and a silky white as a light gown. VIRTUDES, a handsome male-like lad that that wears a muscular body and had an overflowing white shining cloak and crowned a golden curly hair. POTESTADES, it is an air-like man shaped heavenly being that was covered by a light-blue aura. They are carrying a band of a lightning scepter. PRINSIPADOS, a warrior-like man that has a pink aura that rides in one horned horse-like air (unicorn). They have a six paired, wide-spanning air-like wings. TRONOS, a wee child-like girl shaped that has water-like features. DOMINACIONES, woman-like creatures that wear silky gowns. They had twinkling eyes and on their head was a halo of orbiting stars called tala. QUERUBINES, a wee shaped ward that has a shimmering kinky hair and beautiful face. They had a half-shaped body that wears wings that actively flying to an fro. LUBOS, a tiny two inches creatures. They have wings and shining auras. They carry bow and arrow on their back. ARCHANGELS, handsome muscled lad-like warrior, and guards of heaven. They had a six wide spanning wings and wear a pure white warrior suit. On the side was their shining, shimmering §word of power. ANGELS, beautiful woman-like figures that wear a silk-like air gowns. They constantly carry a music instruments such as a trumpet, harmonica, harp, flutes. They have also a six wide spanning whitest wings.

"AMA RE, do what you wanted to through thy will!" says AMA RA. " Whatever thy will be, this will be Father..." answers AMA RE. He is creating the sixth of his creations while father RA says it. He quickly left his work and proceed to what the Almighty GOD-Creator had summoned. And through a puff of light, he quickly disappeared from his throne.

All of the creations are looking into the most grandeur highest throne where AMA RE went. While Brave secretly snatch the newly created spirit form of Aram and he suddenly disappeared. " Hah! All that I want must be done!" the words uttered by Brave enters into the spirit form of Aram and they are now in coalesce [§ezek 28: 15].

Because of what AMA Brave has done, the heaven Cristalino was created, it becomes their abode. The surroundings of this heaven are all crystal-like environment. Without life in it and a void atmosphere. " Why is that only AMA Bright has the sole power of creation and me has nothing. I must have to acquire that no matter what. We are the same, why not me? Is he my brother? Hah! He's the only one father RA gave a silhouette of shape, but for me, nothing! I'm nothing?...But now, let me see? Ah, Aram, you are here! I will make your features be mine and mine alone! You will now become me! This heaven CRISTALINO will be our sole witness and abode!" after AMA Brave uttered it, they float together with Aram and in a surge of power. They fused and in coalesce, gone into the dark side of the infinite limbo of darkness.

In so doing, suddenly Ama Brave felt changes on his self. His bright aura turns slowly into opaque and later into gray. His hands are now changing, scales are now growing. "Hah! W- what's happening to me? W-why I've changed like this?" he is so amazed at his sudden changes. He looks at Aram, trying to hide his face." Aram, you'll be the one to go back. I have to remain here. I have a very important work to be done. Now, please go back and don't bother me, I can do this. I had something to be done myself. Go on now Aram. Go..!"

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