Im sorry

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As you can see from the title....
I'm so sorry
I'm sorry for taking to long to update this damn story
Things have been rough
I've been trying to get though my life
Trying to not do something I'll regret
Trying to pass my classes in school
Trying so hard to not feel just awful and ugh....
Trying not to do the thing my friends, lover and family don't want me to do
I'm trying my best....
I honestly am, but my best doesn't seem to be enough anymore
I just feel horrible...
Concluding in suicidal thoughts
I don't want to trigger anyone or make it seem like I'm just saying this for attention
I just want you guys to understand the position I'm in....
I'm so sorry....
I don't want to let anyone down
But I feel I already have....
Just please understand...

~ Roy

fronnie (freddy X bonnie)Where stories live. Discover now