Chapter 7: Meet the Family

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Mackenzie. Come join us." Her grandpa calls out. She moves to sit on the available spot on the couch smiling at everyone. She listens to the tales her grandfather is sharing despite hearing it every year while her grandmother rolls her eyes and comments on some parts.

"Where's your special girl Mackenzie?" Her grandma asks looking around. Maxie's about to answer when Amelia's voice is heard.

"Sorry. I took a little time to rest up from the travel and prepare my clothes for later." The girl smiles at everyone, Maxie feels her heart start racing at the smile before she composes herself and makes room for the new addition.

"Thank you for coming with Mackenzie." Grandmother says with her gentle smile.

"It's not a problem at all. Maxie has been telling me great things about all of you." Amelia responds before turning to look at her. "Besides I could never say no to her." That damn smile will be the death of me, Maxie thinks to herself as Amelia takes her hand.

"This one's a keeper." Grandpa winks at her making her sigh. "We should tell you tales of when she's born." He starts while she tries to stop him from telling every embarrassing story he could think of but it's too late. All she can do is blush at every single story her family is retelling as Amelia listens to them with interest.

Day turns into night and the girls find themselves getting ready for the celebration. Amelia giggles when she remembers one particular story she's heard of when Maxie was a kid. The raven haired girl turns looking at her intriguingly.

"Did you really do it?" She asks and laughs lightly when she sees the blush taking over the girl's face. "I mean I never pictured you being such a handful child." She explains.

"Oh so you've been imagining what I was like when I was a child then?" Maxie smirks making it her turn to blush. "How did you imagine me as a child then?"

"Well-behaved I suppose." Amelia states leaning on her arms while looking at the girl. "I'm sorry if I assumed." She says softly. Maxie shakes her head walking up to her.

"It's fine. I guess if I were you, I'd assume I was a well-behaved kid as well." The raven haired girl chuckles extending her hands to her. "We should go. The party is about to start." She takes her hand and stands up from the bed. "You look beautiful by the way." Maxie compliments.

"Thank you." Amelia replies blushing furiously. "You look beautiful as well." She states getting a smirk from the girl. By the time they are out of the door, Amelia finds herself in the company of Maxie's aunts with Maxie being dragged away from her. She lets herself chuckle as she follows the two around the venue. She lets herself scan around the area, seeing lights strewn around the place and the ambiance is nice enough.

"How long have you been dating our niece?" She's taken out of her reverie when she hears the question.

"Oh uhm 6 months now." She answers although she feels bad for lying. The woman with electric blue eyes nods as she places food after food on her plate.

"That girl." The one with amber eyes starts. "Has she been treating you well? She's always putting work first before everything else that she's barely showed interest with anyone after a disastrous relationship. I got worried for her health." She finishes and Amelia doesn't hesitate in answering.

"She's been the best girlfriend. Caring and thoughtful." She smiles thinking back to the very first time she's met Maxie. "There was this one time I accidentally switched our phones and she didn't even hesitate to bring it to me despite being at work." She tells them seeing both set of eyes trained on her. "She makes time for me despite being busy at work. I just wish I'm doing the same for her." She sees Maxie across the room looking at her in curiosity.

"Trust us. You're doing great." Both of them states at the same time, Amelia blinks before giving a relieved smile. "She's in good hands isn't she hon?" The amber eyed woman says to the other one who simply nods. Amelia doesn't want to show it but she's shocked at that revelation.

"Please take good care of her." They both say to her and all she can do is nod.

It doesn't take long for Amelia to find herself in the company of Maxie who once again scolded her aunts for bugging Amelia, although she had went to their rescue and they were grateful for it.

"You shouldn't let them get away with things." Maxie mutters as the older women briskly walks away from them. Amelia chuckles at that before smiling at the girl.

"They're harmless." She states getting a scoff. "Come on. Let's enjoy the night." She loops her arm around Maxie's and leads her to the table to get some food and just enjoy the night together.

That night, when the party died down and the two of them are lying in the queen sized bed, Amelia turns to her side to look at the other girl.

"Hey." She softly calls out and waits for amber eyes to meet hers. "Thank you." She simply states getting a tilt of the head from Maxie.

"I should be the one thanking you." Maxie tells her just as softly with a smile. Amelia shakes her head.

"I had a great time. Your family is fun to be around it almost felt like I'm part of it." She muses seeing a soft smile gracing her face.

"It's safe to say that they think you already are." Maxie whispers moving closer to her and she feels herself drawn to the other girl. "Thank you for being here." With just an inch between them that Amelia can feel Maxie's breath mingling with hers. "I hope you enjoyed your time."

"I absolutely did." Amelia whispers back seeing amber eyes glancing at her lips as she does the same before looking back up to Maxie's eyes. If she leans in she'll close the gap between them but before she can make a decision, Maxie moves away putting enough space between the two. She can't help but to feel disappointed but she smiles before saying goodnight. She turns to her side and shakes off the feeling before falling asleep.

The next morning Maxie wakes up ahead of Amelia and decides to get out of the room before the brown haired girl wakes up. She manages to get to the living room before she's found by her dad.

"Oh Maxie. You're up early." Her dad stifles a yawn as he joins her on the couch. "You usually sleep until noon. This is a miracle." He jokes but gets a silent nod from Maxie. "What's wrong kiddo?" He asks concernedly. Maxie knows it's no use lying to her dad but she tries to anyway.

"Nothing dad. I just felt like waking up early, is all." She flinches when she sees her dad raise an eyebrow, obviously not buying her story.

"I've known you all your life. You never wake up early." The man tells her gently. "Did something happen between you and Amelia?" He inquires, amber eyes trained on his daughter. Maxie sighs as she replays last night's events. How badly she wanted to kiss her but the thought of it being another pretend kiss ran through her head along with Lori's words making her back away. She hugs her knees to her chest as she thinks of the words she should tell her dad. There is no doubt in her mind that her mom already told her dad about everything.

"Dad." She starts getting a hum in response. "I'm starting to really fall for her and I'm scared." She adds lowly, afraid that someone might be listening. She meets her dad's soft eyes waiting for him to answer.

"Why are you scared?" He asks tilting his head to the side.

"What if she doesn't feel the same? This could be one of those one-sided love everyone seems to go through their life." She pulls her knees closer to her chest as she tries to keep the panic and anxiety at bay.

"Or it could turn into a relationship." Her dad states patting her arm. "You just have to show her how you feel. Love is a risk you know. If you get hurt, me and your mom will always be there." He smiles. "We'll never know what's in store for us unless we take the risk." He pats her head like he always does when she was just a kid and it brings comfort and peace to her chaotic mind.

By noon, she says goodbye to her relatives, hugging them one by one as Amelia does the same. When they reach her grandparents, she promises to visit them as much as possible before walking to her car. She watches as Amelia waves goodbye to her family before climbing to the passenger seat. She keeps her dad's words in her head, she'll take the risk and convey her feelings to the girl she likes as best as she can. Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

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