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Dinner passed and Clayton couldn't sleep after an eternity of counting the faded glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling. There were only twenty-three altogether and he laid there counting them over and over again until he reached three hundred and repeated the dreary cycle. He remembered the day his mom put them there. It was a pack of twenty four stars but one would stick for a bit then fall. After so long they stopped trying to get it to stick and threw it away.

With a huff he threw the covers to the floor and sat in bed. He ran both hands across his face and then stood with the decision to go to the barn. Anything at this point was better than counting the same stars.

He quickly dressed and traipsed through the shin deep snow. He reached the barn and opened the door just enough for him to squeeze through and lit the lamp that always hung to the left of the opening.

Sweeney greeted him with a whinny.

He knew the old man didn't sleep much at night; only three hours. Horses didn't need much sleep, always on alert for predators. 

He walked over to him and gave him a pat and hug. "How are you doing tonight? Did Dad brush you?" He asked.

Sweeney nudged his side. "Okay boy, I'll take that as a no." He laughed and picked up the brush. Sweeney shook his mane. He brushed his fur with great leisure for some time, enjoying the company of his friend until Sweeney's ears flicked and he stomped his foot in place.

"It's okay boy, it's just you and me," Clayton soothed, rubbing his palm across the horse's snout in long strokes.

"Hey." Clayton turned around at the familiar voice and saw Farah standing at the door with her arms wrapped tightly around her chest. "Sorry if I startled the horse."

He was dumbstruck. "No it's fine. What are you doing out here though?" He sounded rude without meaning to.

"Um.. to talk? Everyone is asleep and well... I couldn't sleep and I saw the glow from the window." She looked at the door behind her. "and I decided to come out here. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea. I should just go." She turned to leave when she finished rambling.

"No," He stopped her. "It's alright, you don't have to go."

They stood there for a moment looking at each other like two lost strangers. He couldn't believe how much she changed over the years. He knew he changed too and wondered what she thought of him now.

"So what has you out here?" she inquired.

"Same as you I guess, I couldn't sleep." He shrugged then looked at Sweeney.

"Seems to be a thing lately, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I suppose it does." After a few seconds he asked, "What's keeping you up?"

"Work related things," she answered. It was only half the truth. "You?"

Clayton shrugged. "Everything and anything I suppose. I may be coming down with a case of insomnia." He cracked a smile.

"That sounds about right." She smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "So tell me about these beastly things." She gestured to Sweeney.

"Beastly?" His smile grew wider. "There's nothing beastly about Sweeney boy, in fact he's the sweetest old man you'll find in the county."

"His size is beastly. Aren't you afraid that he'll crush you?" Her brows scrunched together in concern.

"Not at all, I trust him with my life." He patted Sweeney's neck.

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