4. Aragorn (Strider)

Aragorn is that one dude who you are very suspicious of in the beginning, then proud of at the end

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Aragorn is that one dude who you are very suspicious of in the beginning, then proud of at the end. He fights through everything, and is strong through any situation. I like that!! His respect for others makes me respect him even more. When he puts away the past fights with the creepy du- I mean Boromir after the battle, and you know what happens. He got over the past, and put respect to Boromir. He shows that no matter what happens, you can persevere!

5. Figwit/Lindir

Who doesn't love a character who's name is disputed over?! Same thing with Thranduil to this one! He became a favorite as soon as I saw his first scene

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Who doesn't love a character who's name is disputed over?! Same thing with Thranduil to this one! He became a favorite as soon as I saw his first scene. He's like that one teenager who works at Mcdonald's who doesn't want to work there, especially when the Dwarves get there. Bret (his actor) is amazing and a hilarious person. 

6. Frodo, Samwise, Peregin, and Meriadoc

There was NO way I could separate these four into different numbers

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There was NO way I could separate these four into different numbers. I love them all the same! They're all so amazing, brave, hilarious, and a great group of characters. They all look pretty good, too ;)

7. Thorin Oakenshield

Thorin has to be my favorite dwarf! Other than Fili and Bombur, of course

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Thorin has to be my favorite dwarf! Other than Fili and Bombur, of course. Thorin is a little edgy, but, he's such a great leader. He's fighting for his home, a place that's been overrun for YEARS. Yes, he can be quite scary, but we know behind all that long hair he's got to be a big teddy bear!

8. Legolas

To me, I don't see why Legolas is a lot of people's number one favorite

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To me, I don't see why Legolas is a lot of people's number one favorite. But, I mean, I do love his father to bits! He's an amazing archer, and is played by none other than Orlando Bloom, who has always been a favorite actor of mine. He's kind, strong, independent, everything!!

9. Fili & Kili

This brother duo is one of my favorite sibling duos in Middle Earth! I don't have many reasons on why I love them, but I do! They're always looking out for each other, and just an amazing duo in all

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This brother duo is one of my favorite sibling duos in Middle Earth! I don't have many reasons on why I love them, but I do! They're always looking out for each other, and just an amazing duo in all. They're just so cute!!

10. Bombur

Bombur, Bombur, Bombur

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Bombur, Bombur, Bombur.. This dwarf is like that secret badass character. He can be like 007, then be like a Care Bear, having the time of his life. He's the greatest comic relief of the Hobbit. That one scene where they're running from the orcs, and you just see him shooting up the line! I love that scene!!

Now tell me, what are your guys' favorite characters?!

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