Ch. 18: First Delivery

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Hey guys. Here's another chapter for you all. Sorry it took so long. I got a new job and then between that, my other job, moving, and the works, it's just been a struggle. Plus it didn't help that I had writers block again. Anyway, here it is and I hope you enjoy it.


Ch. 18: First Delivery

Over the next couple months, things had started to return to normal. Asuma and Shikamaru's relationship was starting to get a lot better now. For a while, Shikamaru had to sneak out to see Asuma, because Temari still wasn't so happy about him seeing Asuma, but after a couple weeks, she finally saw that it was actually helping Shikamaru.

Shikamaru was starting to become his old self again. He was smiling more, talking more, and his and Temari's relationship was actually starting to improve now. That's when Temari finally accepted things. She even surprised Shikamaru when she showed up at Asuma's while Shikamaru was still there.

"T-Temari!" Asuma said in a bit of a panic.

"Look, I know Shikamaru is here," she said, and as if to prove her point, Shikamaru appeared next to Asuma at the door.

"Temari, it's not..." Shikamaru began, but Temari raised her hand to stop him.

"I know you've been sneaking out to come see him, Shika," Temari said. "At first I wasn't happy about it, but now I see that it's actually helping you."

Shikamaru moved his way past Asuma and got closer to Temari with a big smile on his face. "You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that."

"He really has been stressing over it," Asuma said, making the two look at him.

Temari sighed and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Shikamaru. "Here."

Shikamaru looked at the paper confused, but took it and looked at it. His eyes went wide. "This is the restraining order!"

"You're obviously not listening to it anyway, so just rip it up already," Temari said.

Shikamaru lowered the paper, not even making an attempt to rip it. "I'm sorry, Tem. I..."

Temari scowled at him, grabbed the paper from his hand, and ripped it in half. "Look, it's not doing any good, so why keep it around," she said a bit loudly. She then turned her attention to Asuma. "I can see that being around you has helped Shikamaru a lot. He hasn't been coming home depressed anymore, so I'm assuming that you're actually keeping your word and not touching him, so as long as that remains the norm, I won't try and stop him." Her face suddenly went scary and she pointed straight at Asuma. "But I swear, Asuma, if I find out you so much as flirted at him, I'll kill you where you stand. Do you understand?"

Asuma raised both his hands and nodded. "Completely."

Shikamaru just smiled at the two.

After that, things went on as if the whole situation never happened. There were times that Shikamaru came over and in the middle of a game of Shogi he looked over and saw a bulge in Asuma's pants, but Asuma never did anything about it, and even made an excuse for Shikamaru to leave.

Now, however, was not one of those times. Asuma was staring at Shikamaru a bit concerned. He had noticed that Shikamaru's head wasn't in the game today, and that he kept rubbing his stomach more than usual. It was actually starting to worry him.

"Shikamaru?," Asuma finally said.

Shikamaru looked up at him. "Hmm. Uh, yeah?" he asked a little confused.

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