✨ 2

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My heart hit my back and I stumbled to get back up, only to see a boy smiling at me.

"Why the hell did you do that?"

He looked dishevelled yet he wore a relaxed and loose expression on his face. His hair was luxuriant, and small, uncontrolled waves covered specks of his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was beaming- or rather smirking at me.

"This bus stop is abandoned."

"What?" He rolled his eyes but still kept his mouth stretched to a smile. It looked kind of strange when combined together. Like a cherry on a cookie.

"No buses stop, no people leave. You're not going anywhere by waiting here."


I dropped my head and sighed.

Well I'm stuck here.

I had no money(well not enough), no phone signal, and no motivation to walk. Even if I was prepared to walk, my house was ages away from that place. No wonder I had called a taxi so early.

The man sat next to me on the pavement and looked forward, at the speeding cars and their bright flashing lights. He seemed fascinated by them. Looking over at him, I got a better glance at him.

He had a petite, lemon septum piercing which stood out from his complexion and a miniscule scar on his bottom lip which tinted it red. He spotted me looking at him so he returned the action. I would've loved to turn my eyes down from embarrassment, but as soon as my pupils met his I felt my body freeze. The colours in his iris collided into each other like the sudden sounds of fireworks on a quiet night in a town festival. He looked away and pitifully smiled.

"Do you live far off from here? I could drive you to your house if you want to", quickly turning his gaze back at me.

This time I managed to look away, as I'd already gotten a taster of melting into his eyes. "I don't know about that." The thought of driving off with a random stranger uneased me. What if he drives me to somewhere other than my house or kidnaps me? I rubbed the back of my neck and gulped just lightly. "I'll just wait here until I get some energy and walk it home, I guess."

He frowned and shook his head. "It's too dangerous out here. You need to get some shelter."

I'm sure that there were a lot of ways in which I could've gotten back but I was so panicked and distracted that I couldn't really think.

"Would you like to stay at my house? I know that we just met and I creeped up on you but I couldn't bear to see you wait out here all night and I don't know how to approach people. Shit happens around here."

The decision baffled me. I was in danger whether I stayed out or I stayed with him, so it didn't really matter. People hook up often right? How many times do you hear about people getting kidnapped from a one night stand with a stranger? I'll risk it just this once.

"I'd love to", I answered calmly, covering the thousands of thoughts running through my head.

His lips formed a weak smile again and he gestured me to follow him. I did.

"Also, you really should work on your people-approaching skills." Not that I'd know from experience.

We walked.

"So what's your name?" he questioned as he turned his head to look at me. It was getting a little windy and his hair brushed against his cheek.

"Walter." I spoke in a tone which I wasn't familiar with- my voice went higher and I felt intimidated by this boy. I spoke carefully, as if I wanted him to think good of me. I was never too petty about impressing people because I was always sure that my attitude was trashy no matter how hard I tried.

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