Chapter 12 ~ Hurt

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Long-time-no-see my Pokenerds!

How have things been?

Good, good...

Who knew that chips and Coke help people to write? XD =====>

Enough stalling! ONTO THE STORY!






I was going to call Red’s name, but my breath caught in my throat when I saw what it was that sent him flying. Giratina was back and right in front of my face this time. It stared down at me with its menacing red eyes. It was so quiet that I swear I could hear my own heartbeat. I desperately wanted to run over to Red and see if he was okay, but the look in Giratina’s eyes made me stay put. It looked at me as if saying: ‘Move an inch and your head will come off. And then your friend’s next.’

Giratina drifted over to Red and eyed him. A cold, horrible voice spoke in my mind.

“I was going to use you as my sacrifice, but this boy will do just fine. Stay out of my way and you’ll live to see another day.”

Giratina and Red were suddenly enveloped in a dark mist and when it cleared, they were gone.

End of Recap!




Blue’s POV

I had found Gold and Red’s hats on this mountain and there was food and blankets everywhere in this cave. Someone must have been or still is living in it. Not to mention the fact that this fire was still ablaze. Someone must have been in here not too long ago.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard quiet rustling along the floor of the cave. I looked down at my feet and saw a white sheet of paper stuck under my shoe. I lifted my foot off the ground and quickly picked the paper up before it could float away. It had dirt and water marks on it, like it had been left and abandoned on the ground. Like nobody wanted to see it again.

I unfolded it and my eyes drifted to the top of the page. My eyes widened as they skimmed down the page. It was the letter Red’s mother wrote! If it was open then surely Red must have read it! But where was he? And where was Gold?

I glanced outside and saw that the wind had picked up and the snow had gotten thicker. Surely they weren’t still out there... Right?



Gold’s POV

I stared un-blinking at the spot where Red once was for about fifteen seconds before sprinting over and searching desperately.

“Red? Red!” I cried into the empty darkness.

I fell to my knees and my sobs broke the eerie silence. My mind was an utter jumble. Everything was spinning and my head hurt. My eyes hurt from crying and the cuts on my arms still stung. I was still having trouble breathing from inhaling so much smoke back at the cottage. In conclusion, I was a complete mess. And now, I had just lost the only thing that was keeping me sane in this world of darkness. The sprained ankle I had back on Mount Silver seemed like a Weedle sting compared to all of this.

Those Red Eyes ~ RedxGold Pokemon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now